Chapter 4

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So we arrived at his apartment it looks nice well the parking lot did but I don't know what it looks like inside. We get in the elevator and I looked at him. He looked at me back and smiled.
"So what floor do you live on?"
"The 37th floor"
He really lives a nice life I wish I could live a life like this but I don't. I get that my mom works enough to make my life great but my dad takes all the money that we don't have anything.
"Let's go" he grabs my hand and walks to his door.
"Hey cowboy do your parents mind?"
He laughs "my parents don't live with me. My dad in the military so he lives in Europe right now. My mom is a politician and she doesn't come home." He looks sad.
"No Lucas I get it"
We go into his apartment and I see a dog! I always wanted a dog.
"Maya, this is Muffin"
"Omg! I always wanted a dog!"
He just laughs at me. And goes to his room to change but he leaves his door opened. I peaked just a little bit just a little bit I saw he has a six pack. Omg Maya stop being a pervert. He comes out and throws me some clothes.
"You can wear my clothes today"
"But it looks like a cowboy" teasing him
"If you want to be naked it's your choice" laughing
I laugh and say "well you would like that wouldn't you"
"Yeah I wouldn't mind" he laughs
"Wait, but don't you have a girlfriend?"
"No I broke up with her that was our private talk"
"Ohhh okay I'm going to change now. Where's your bathroom?"
"It's just to the left of this door" he points to his door
When I come out with his boxers and a button up business shirt. He looks at me for a long time.
"Is there something wrong? Huckleberry?"
"No you just look good even with just that."
He looks at me again and then my stomach growls
"You hungry?" He laughs
"No I'm not"
"Come on I will make you something"
He goes to the kitchen and cooks I go up to him looking at his apartment
"Don't you get lonely living alone?"
"Yeah but it's fine I'm use to it"
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Who do you live with?"
"My parents, I never told anyone this I don't like being alone and I don't like when my dad is there either....its just that my dad..." I got cut off by Lucas
"It's okay Maya, you don't have to tell me right now. If you don't like to be I'm always going to be here for you." He touches my hand and smiles and I smile back.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I don't mind it I like you here"
"Thank you Lucas, for everything"
"Your welcome, here eat up" he cooked me a delicious teriyaki bowl. I wonder how he cooked like this.
"That was amazing, how did you learn to cook like that?"
"Well before my dad left he taught me how to cook stuff that I loved as a little boy"
"Aww that's sweet"
"Yeah.....before we go to sleep. Do you want to watch a movie?"
"Yeah sure what is there?"
"Umm let's see, I have the avengers, the longest ride and 22 jump street"
"22 jump street" I didn't want to watch the longest ride even though I love that movie. So I picked a comedy.
"Okay do you want popcorn?"
"Yeah sure, here let me get it" I go to the kitchen before him.
"Okay I will just sit down then"
"Umm so where is the popcorn?"
"In the first cabinet"
"This one?"
"No the other one"
"Well you have so many cabinets I don't know which one huckleberry"
He comes over laughing and walks really close to me that our face was so close. He reaches up and says "it's right here silly" touching me nose.
"Let's go watch the movie then"
"Okay let me turn off the lights"
When the lights went out i see the city lights looks amazing. It's the whole view from here. 10 minutes into the movie I fell asleep.
"Here let's go to sleep"
I heard Lucas in my ear and I got pick up to his bed. I don't know if it's a dream or not but it fells like a dream a beautiful wonderful dream....

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