Chapter 19

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I screamed loudly and threw my phone across the room. I fucking hate him! Every inch of me hated him right now. "Laura. Come on. I never meant for it to happen like that." His voice echoed in the back of my mind. I just want to go to bed and wake up with no problems to deal with. Is that so much to ask? What the hell does he want from me?! I gave him everything I could possibly give him! I allowed him to be free and whatever the hell he wants and all of a sudden, he wants to give back to me?

"Just remember I love you enough to know I was wrong. I always will be wrong." I cringed. What do I do? Do I tell him I hate him so he lets me be? But god I would hate me so much for saying something I don't mean. He means everything yet means nothing at all. He broke my heart over and over again but I'm the one to blame for it. I allowed him to. But here I am. I'm still standing. 6 years of my life dedicated to him and all I have is a combination of sweat, tears, heartache, and dreams. One dream falls as another rises.

I dreamed of one day traveling the world. He's done that in the past couple of years. I made everything I could possible ever make about him. I set mine aside to put his first. Maybe that's just it. Maybe I should stop doing that. Maybe I should be selfish and make everything about me.

I went back to the loud stress free environment with the music blaring through speakers. My blood fired up, heart pounding at a fast rate while at the same time aching of sadness just like how I always feels after talking to him. I pushed through the swarm of sweaty bodies-jumping around losing control to the sound of music. "Move you fucking idiots." I say loathing them. They were free. Just like I always wanted to be. No stress, no worries. Just me.

I walked towards a table, the need for freedom pulsing through me. I picked up a cup and gulped it down, the bittersweet taste burning my throat as I swallowed it. I could feel my body losing control, the blood in my veins racing as I slammed the cup down on the table when I was done. I continued to drink, the burning sensation slowly fading away just like my worries, my stress.

Who cares if I hadn't seen the world like I wanted to? The strobe lights and shots of alcohol were bringing me into a new world. I have given him everything, everything and now he says he didn't want it?! Well then, I guess it's time to do everything for me. It's time to make my dreams come true. If he could do it, why not me too? I wiped the alcohol residue way from my lips and straighten out my posture, legs feeling wobbly with each step I took. My body still buzzing, mind swirling, but I felt good. I felt alive. My smile widened as I looked towards what was going to make me happy again. "Hello."

"Glad to see you finally made it." He smiled at me. I chuckled. "And miss this amazing party? Are you kidding me?" I laughed. His eyes averted to my composure instead of my eyes. "Are you okay? You don't look so good." He said. I laughed painfully. So naive. Like he cares anyway. I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him towards the dance floor. There is no way I am getting back to my old ways. Being depressed is not an option.

I lost myself into the music while holding him for support of possibly avoiding diseaster. "Relax.. " I giggled running my fingers up and down his chest while sinking my hips against him. "It's all night tonight." I said turning around and starting to grind up against him. "Hm...Laura...Stop." He said a bit nervous. I smirked and pressed harder. "Admit that you want me.. That you have once wanted us to be a thing." I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck.

I pressed my forehead against his. "I hav--" I took the advantage and kissed him. It didn't take long for him to react. Slowly his arms came around my waist pressing harder. Yeah. Rock solid. I want this. I need this. Might not be the best option but my thoughts are all over the place. But the thoughts of being free is now a priority. My ears started to ring. I couldn't hear or see anything anymore. All I could do was touch. Every part and every inch of him.

"Are you sure?" He whispered. I pressed my lips against his. I felt alive. I have been in this for way too long. Suffered long enough. I gasped for air as pressed his soft lips against the nape of my neck. I rolled my eyes back sinking my nails against his toned back. His heart beating rapidly against my very own as if in contest. Unknown pleasure pierced through my core as he slowly thrusted his full self into me. Deep. So deeply my toes started to curl. God. I closed my eyes groaning.

Sweat dripping down his chest hitting my bare chest. I ran my fingers through his hair and brought his face to meet my face. "I've...I've.." He said between kisses. I retaliated. "Don't speak. Just..." I gasp trying to catch my breath. I rolled us over and marked. I licked the corner of his mouth and made my way all over his body. Boy had everything any woman would dream of. "Fuck..." He moaned out softly. I moaned in response. I heard a light buzzing sound but had no idea where it was coming from. The last thing I heard was a long waited need finally get fulfilled.
Well latenight_writer this turned out a little more...What's the word? Amazing! You are truly amazing! And so are all of the readers! Hope you guys enjoyed! Comment and Vote!!!!
~Ash and Belle❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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