Chapter Two

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Luke and his student arrived at the location that Kylo was being held. As Rey began running from the ship in an attempt to find Finn, Luke stopped her. "Rey," he said. "You're sure about this? Facing Kylo could be very dangerous for you. We can just let them handle this."

She was offended. "You don't think I'm strong enough? You don't think I can help?" She sighed, her anger dwindling. "Master Luke, I am ready for this. I can do it."

He rested his hand on her shoulder. "Thank you, Rey. Now, go find your friends."

The location was green and mossy, quite like the forest where Kylo had captured her. There were multiple steel stations around, surrounding a main base filled with tents. There weren't many people milling about. Maybe 100 or 200. They were definitely staying low.

She ran up to the nearest booth.

"How can I help you. m'am?" a soldier smiled at her. "What's a pretty lady like you doing around here, anyways?" he winked.

She groaned internally. "I'm Rey. You know, the next Jedi." She winked back at him. "I'm sure you've heard of me."

The soldier's face went pale. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Rey. I didn't mean-"

"Can you tell me where to find Finn? The one that hangs out with Poe Dameron."

The soldier gulped and pointed to a large tent near the center of it all. "He should be there. Again, I'm so sorry, m'am."

Rey rolled her eyes and began walking towards the tent. It seemed to be much nicer than all the rest. Maybe Finn had gotten a high position within the Resistance? She wondered, but was interrupted when someone yelled, "Rey!"

She turned around and was engulfed in a hug from Finn. "Rey! You're here!"

"Uh, yeah." She smiled and hugged him, quite stiffly. She wasn't used to physical affection. Actually, she wasn't used to any affection at all.

"I missed you," he whispered. "Next time, leave a note, will you?" He let her go and smiled. "How's training? Why are you here?"

She shrugged. "Training is going well. I'm not done with it yet, though," she admitted. He raised his eyebrow. "I'm here because I thought I could help, you know, with Kylo. I defeated him once before and I was stronger than him even without any training. I can talk to him."

Finn flashed back to the same answer he always gave when asked to talk. Kylo only wanted to talk to Rey. That could be a problem.

Rey waited a few seconds before talking. "So, where is he?"

Finn scowled. "You shouldn't talk to him. He won't talk to anyone."

"I can at least try!" she pleaded. "C'mon, Finn, Don't lie to yourself. We need any information we can get from him. And I think he will talk. To me, at least. I don't know why, I just feel like we have a connection of some kind-"

"You do not have a connection with him, Rey!" he yelled loudly. Everyone stared. "Kylo will only bring harm to you! I don't care how strong you think you are, you're not stronger than him."

Rey was exasperated. "Finn, I beat him once before! You know that, you were there. Maybe passed out, but still. I defeated him."

Finn sighed. "Rey, you have to believe me, he'll play with you. It's a bad idea."

"I am not going to give this up. If you do not tell me where he is, I'll find him myself." she crossed her arms.

Finn groaned. "Fine. I warned you, though." He took a few steps back. "Follow me."

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