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Chapter 3


They are all looking at me like I'm mad. Am I? No, of course not... oh I don't know! But if there is one thing I do know its what my best friend looks like... or do I? To be honest, I haven't even seen Adriana since she left me in Wolverhampton 3 years ago, and if her appearance has changed half as much as mine has in that time, then she could be a completely different person! Not like that could change how I feel about her.

Feelings that I'm meant to ignore since i'm with Danielle.

But if there is a chance to see the closest friend I've ever had then surely I have to take it, right? If only Paul would have is same mentality.

"And where do you 5 think you're going?" Paul asked menacingly. Speak of the devil.

We all collectively gulped before all the boy's eyes were on me, in desperate hopes that I could come up with something good to explain our sudden exits. Call me crazy, but I'm not sure 'we're-going-to-find-a-girl-Harry-was-flirting-with-who-may-or-may-not-be-my-best-friend' was going to cut it.

"Erm, just going for some fresh air?" Nice one Liam. I honestly couldn't lie if my life depended on it.

"With a set starting in 10 minutes? I don't think so," Paul said, herding us all back down the stairs.

We went through the songs we would sing in our 20 minute set and a vocal warm up in a blur but I can't say that I was paying attention to any of it. Until we were about to walk out of the door.

What if its not her and I've just gotten my hopes so ridiculously high just to have them plummet downwards? Then, even if it is her, she probably wouldn't want to see. I've made every effort to at least try and see her since we went our separate ways, but how hard has she tried? Seriously though, how busy can a professional tennis player be? Oh my goodness she hates me! She hates my guts that's why she hasn't come to see me the infinite times I've invited her to come and see the boys and I on tour. Shit. My best friend can't stand me! Please don't let me see her tonight! Please let it just be a-

"Liam!" someone hissed at me.

Woah. When did we get onto this little stage? Okay, focus.. what is happening right now? The lights are on, the music hasn't started yet, everyone's looking at me, especially some girl right at the front that looks like she's literally about to explode... I know! Introduce the song.

"And this is our new single 'Kiss You'" I said, getting the nod of approval from my fellow band mates.

The music started, Zayn went into his solo, everything was going well.

Until halfway Niall's solo when the girl standing right at the front just screamed and fainted. I looked over at Niall to see what he had done but he was already halfway over to help the girl despite the warning glances that Zayn was giving him. That's when more commotion started in the crowd. It looked like there was something trying to barge to the front, really fast. When the person eventually broke through, she looked around before her beautiful pale brown eyes fell on the girl that had just fainted.

Adriana. It is her.

Adriana, Niall and Paul all reached the girl at the same time. They all looked at each other momentarily, before all three rushed to action. Paul began to clear a path through the crowd a that had stopped paying attention to our performance long ago. Niall scooped the girl up in his arms and lead Adriana, who was carrying the girls bag, to where Paul was directing them to our makeshift dressing room downstairs.

Right before she got to the stairs she looked back as if she was forgetting something. I followed her eyes as she looked over the floor where she previously stood, into the crowd, then up at me. Oh my God she's staring right at me. I smiled at her and mouthed a quick hi. To my genuine surprise she grinned back and waved like a maniac. I struggled to hold in my laughter as I faced the crowd for another solo whilst she ran down the stairs to help her friend.

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