Fun with the Family

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Chapter 9


Oh la vache...

In the silence after I confessed to Ana what had happened with Niall and I after training today I had time to properly digest everything I was saying and realise how stupid it was.

Niall likes me. A lot. And instead of talking about this with him, I keep running away like the little 12 year old girl I am...

My thoughts were interrupted with the sudden impact of one of the throw pillow on my bed on my face.

"Hey!" I protested.

"Whats wrong with you?!" Ana shouted getting up to pace around my bedroom, "When a boy likes you and you like him back, you go out with him!! Its not that hard girl-"

"Says you! You know you like Harry and you know he likes you back yet here we are, you without a boyfriend-"

"And you neither!"

We were silent for a few moments before Ana pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket, typing rapidly.

"What are you doing?" I asked warily.

"Taking matters into my own hands..." she replied turning away from me and walking out of my room.

"What does that mean? Ana!" I ran after her, tackling her to the ground just as she entered her room, "Who are you texting??"

"Liam, I'm inviting the guys to the leaving thing on Saturday," she said typing away whilst struggling under my weight.


I lunged for her phone trying to grab it from her hand but she was too quick, I got a glimpse of the message as it sent:

To: Liiiiaaaamm :D

Hey! Lèna and I are having a little leaving do on Saturday night, swing by with the lads if you're not busy and bring Danielle too can't wait to meet her :)) x

"Ana, why don't you love me? We're friends aren't we? I'm nice to you, tell me; WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO SUFFER?"

Ana pushed me off her before saying, "I'm doing this because I love you, by Saturday you're nerves will have calmed down enough for you guys to have an actual conversation," she grabbed my hand and pulled me off the floor, "You'll be fine."

"Do you really think so?"

"I know so," she said giving me a quick hug, "Hungry?"

I followed her down the landing and down the stairs into our tiny kitchen, that was striaght down from the front door to our small, cosy home.

Ana got the salads that Keanu made for us to have after training as I tried to come to terms with whats gonna go down on Saturday.

"Wait a minute," I said, making Ana pause halfway out of the door, "If Liam's bringing all the boys then doesn't that mean Harry is coming??"

Ana laughed slightly, shaking her head until she realised what she had just done.

"Ah shit..."

"Hey," I started, putting my arms around her shoulders and leading her down the hall into our liing room, "Everything will be fine, remember; when a boy likes you and you like him back, YOU GO OUT WITH HIM!!"

I shouted the last part in her ear making her jump and spill half her salad on the floor.

"Fucks sake Lèna! Its not that easy, okay."

We sat down on the biggest sofa, each of us to our favourite side.

"I don't see how it isn't to be honest..."

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