The Morning After

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Chapter 7


I have issues. And it's seriously starting to annoy me now.

Why couldn't I just leave it as 'that-time-that-Harry-fricking-Styles-and-I-almost-kissed'? I just had to take it that one step further and now look! I can't bloody sleep cos of the fear of what I'm going to do next. Sometimes I truly believe that my mind is setting me up to fail - or at least to not be able to leave things as they are in their non-awkward states.

To be honest, none of this would have happened if Liam had just told me that he had a girlfriend when they first got together 3 YEARS AGO. If he had then all of what happened tonight would be a myth. I wouldn't be completely heart broken because the boy I've been pining after for most of my life has secretely had a girlfriend for the most recent of this 'pining' time.

I wouldn't have felt the need to find comfort in Harry - the boy who made it crystal clear from the first time we met that all he wanted was to do me in the back of his car. I wouldn't have given him the impression of flirting, which, according to Lèna, I do a lot without realising it. I wouldn't have asked him who he was going to kiss at midnight, undoubtedly giving him the impression that I wanted him to kiss me (cos really, who are the other options? I know Harry and Louis seemed close but...). I wouldn't have kissed him back - which I actually have no excuse for, my lack of self-control is shocking. I wouldn't have ignored Liam for the rest of the night out of the crushing guilt that threatened to overwhelm my conscience and I wouldn't be feeling as shitty as I do now.

However. There are also other factors of my guilt to be considered. Like the part where I may have liked kissing Harry. A lot. I mean, kissing Harry isn't the worst thing I've ever done by a long way. Now that I think about it, it was actually really nice. Really, really nice. And I guess Harry is a really nice person as well. And he has those really nice eyes. And those cute little dimples. And that beautifully curly hair. And those lovely hands. And tho-

No. Not even. Do I like Harry? It sounds like it but I can't. How can I like 2 people at a time? Arrggh!! I need Lèna! Or maybe I should go and talk to Zayn some more? He proved what a good listener he was when it was just him and I in the kitchen, and he was about to give me some good advice before Niall came and distracted us... nah, I don't even know where his room is and I've already taken my contacts out so I'm in no mood to go looking. Dammit Lèna! How long can it take for one girl to come up to bed? As dodgy as it sounds...


I woke up lying half on/half off the bed, with my head planted in between 2 pillows and my body lying diagonally so my legs dangled off the edge, almost touching the floor. Damn long legs that don't like to just stay still when I want to sleep and insist on getting in the most annoying positions so I wake up with dead legs making training almost impossible!!

I tumbled out of bed, still not with the full use of my legs, and crawled towards the door, in search of a bathroom. Wait, Lèna! Where is that girl? She didn't even come back to Niall's room last night! Which can only mean one thing... erm, I'll figure it out later, when my head and my legs start working again.

I crawled out of the room, and down the corridor, opening doors as I came across them in an attempt to find a toilet before I burst. In one door I see Zayn curled up on his side right on the edge of a huge bed. I cannot miss this opportunity...

"ZAYN!!! GET UP!!! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!!" I yelled.

"What?!" Zayn jumped up, flailing his arms and legs about in the air and landed in a heap at the side of the bed.

I crawled over to him and poked his shoulder, which was half buried under the massive blanket he was sleeping under, "You alright mate?"

"I'm not your mate," Zayn said, groaning in pain as I knelt next to him laughing.

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