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"This is all i could find that I know is edible." Harry said as he brought over some coconuts.

"They are perfectly fine, how many are there?" I said

"Well I grabbed two for each of us but there are a ton  more where i got them." Harry said. He handed me two coconuts. I took a rock with somewhat of a pointed end on it and another larger one, from the ring around the fire. I placed the pointed rock at the top of the coconut and gently tapped it with the other rock. After a while of tapping the coconut spilt open. I took one half of the coconut and slowly drank the milk.

"That is so good, here Harry crack yours open." I said and handed him the rocks. He cracked his open and ate it.

"Hey Morgan it's getting dark, i think we should get some rest." Harry said.

"Alright." I yawned as I climbed into the shelter. Harry climbed in and layed on the other side of the base. Soon we were both asleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night, shivering. My dress wasn't very thick since it was a summer dress. Now it was in the middle of the night and I couldn't stop shaking.

"Morgan are you ok?" Harry asked sleepily.

"I'm f-f-f-f-fine." I answered through my chattering teeth.

"Oh my gosh, Morgan, you're freezing." Harry said. He slid over to me and wrapped his arms around me trying to get me warm. I was so tired that i soon fell asleep with his arms still wrapped around me.

-----The next morning------

I woke up to find Harry still asleep. I tried to slowly wiggle my way out of his arms but he subconciously pulled me closer when he felt me move. So i just layed there waiting for him to get up. After a while he was still sleeping so I tried to wake him up.

"Harry, Harry wake up, come on Harry." I said while nudging him. When that didn't work I resorted to my last option.

"HARRY WAKE UP OR I WONT SHOW YOU THE WILD CATS!!!!!!!!" I screamed. Harry woke up and ran out of the shelter, I sat there laughing at him.

"Where's the cats?" He asked excitedly.

"Oh there are none, i just thought it was time you got up." I said with a smirk. He gave me an evil look and started running towards me. I ran away from him and into the woods. We ran for what felt like forever. When I stopped to take a breath I swore i could hear rushing water.

"Haha I've got you now!" Harry said as he came up behind me.

"Shhhh, listen." I said. He stood there and listened.

"Is that water?" He asked. I nodded and we bolted in the direction of the sound. When we burst through the brush we found a beautiful waterfall.

"Whoa" we both said in amazement. Harry quickly took off his shorts and shirt and dove into the water. I sat up on the ledge over-looking the water. Harry re-surfaced and looked up at me.

"Well come on then." He shouted up at me. "The water's great."

"I'm perfectly fine up here." I said laughing.

"Morgan, get you butt down here or I'm coming up there and making you." He said trying to threaten me. I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "Come on lazy bums, you've already got your swim suit on."

"Fine" I said. I peeled my dress off and lept into the water.

"Now that wasn't that hard, was it?" Harry said as i came to the surface.

I'm Stranded on a Desert Island. With One Direction?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora