Searching Still

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Morgan's POV:

"Harry I'm so tired can we take a rest?" I said tiredly.

"Morgan we have to keep moving." Harry said with his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him with tired eyes. "Here get on my back."

Harry kneeled down and i climbed onto his back. I rested my head on his shoulder as we continued through the forest.

"Harry?" I asked quietly


"Do you think we will ever find them?"

"Of course we will." He said assuringly. After a while he looked at Niall and said "Time to switch mate." He lowered me off his back and put me on my feet.

"I can walk now." I laughed.

"Nuh uh hop on lass." Niall said as he kneeled down in front of me.

"Really Niall im fine." I said.

"Morgan get on." He said sternly.

"Fine." I said as I got onto his back and he lifted me off the ground. We walked for a little longer until we came to another spring of water like the one Harry and I had found earlier.

"It's getting late we should set up camp and rest for the night." Harry said. Niall put me down and we started putting together a shelter. It was hot and we all got very sweaty so I decided to jump into the water to cool down. I flipped so I was floating on my back. Suddenly I was splashed with tons of water as both Harry and Niall jumped in on either side of me. I coughed and tried to right myself.

"Buttheads." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Harry asked.

"Oh nothing." I said as I tried to swim away.

"Oh no you don't!" Harry said as he swam towards me and grabbed my ankle and pulled me back. Finally after a long splashing war, we got out of the water and lit the fire to dry off.

" I hope we find them soon. I'm starting to get worried." I said as I hugged my knees to my chest.

"We will don't worry Morgan." Niall said as we all stared into the fire.

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