Little Wooden Cross

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Morgan's POV:

I looked around on the forest floor until I found what I was looking for, two sticks to make a wooden cross out of. I found some vines on the ground to tie them together and headed back to the beach. When I got back the boys were covering the make-shift grave. I sat down and tied the sticks together to form a cross. I walked over to the grave and placed to cross at the head. I knelt down and started to pray.

"Hey God. I pray for this woman and her family, may they find comfort in your hands, I pray that this woman knew your Son, Jesus. You have the power to give life and to take it away, I thank you for this woman's life and I pray that she is now in you presence. Her suffering is over and we take comfort in the fact that you are keeping watch over us, I pray for our safe return home if it is in your will. Amen."

After I prayed I sat there just thinking for a while. I was starting to really miss my family. When I started thinking about them the tears started flowing. I felt one of the guys put their hand on my shoulder to try and comfort me. I just sat there and sobbed. I wanted to go home and I didn't know how we were going to do that.

"We need to find a way out of here." I said once i calmed down.

"How are we going to do that?" Harry asked.

"I dont know just yet." I said sadly.

A/N Sorry this one is short more updates on the way

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