Chapter 5

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They shot him. The just shot my brother. The person I was closest to in the world. Gone.
I keep seeing it over again in my head. The bang and then Ash on the floor before my vision completely blurred over with tears. I've only just finished crying and it's been hours since the event.

The 2 boys have been sitting talking to each other; not even acknowledging me. I decided to start making them feel guilty.

"Are you happy?" I muttered. Their heads both snapped up to look at me.

"Finally done crying" Jerry asked.

"You just shot my brother in front of me" I said, trying to hold in tears.

"Well the good news, is that it wasn't anywhere deadly. I shot him in the leg. I see no need to kill anyone" Jerry said.

"But it could be hours before anyone finds him. He could have bled to death by the time anyone finds him" I said now raising my voice.

"Then unlucky for him" the brown haired kid said cockily.

"Jack, don't be horrible now" Jerry muttered to him.

"Yeh Jack" I spat his name out.

"Hey, I wasn't the one who shot him" Jack said,
"I know, but at least Jerry is showing a small bit of remorse. You are just being a cocky bastard" I said to him bravely. He went to stand up, but Jerry placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I think we should just get some rest now. I'll take this watch" Jerry said interrupting the glare Jack was giving me.

"Fine" Jack said, and I could tell he was angry. But I don't care. I don't care about anything either of those boys is feeling.

"Kimberly, time to go to bed" Jerry said.

"It's Kim. No one calls me Kimberly" I said, but nodded to his request. I laid down and turned away from them. No use fighting them, no matter how much I want to punch them both. Soon enough black spots were clouding my vision.

Jack POV

Kim laid down and faced away from us. I'm pretty angry about her calling me a bastard, but Jerry held me down before I could do anything I would regret.I sat in the tent doorway with Jerry.

"Jerry don't you think Mr Turner is going to be pretty angry you shot his nephew?" I said to him.

"Well I made sure not to shoot anywhere deadly. And I'm almost certain I saw bullet proof pads on his legs and arms as well as his torso. But still the mission was to kidnap Kim and not hurt her. Mr Turner never said anything about her brother" Jerry replied.
I sat there with him for a few minutes, just thinking. I looked at Jerry's clock and it said 9.30pm.

"Let's get ready to go at 6.00 tomorrow morning, kay?" I said.

"Okay Mate. I'll wake you in a few hours when it's your turn to take watch" Jerry told me.
I entered the tent and laid down nest to Kim. She was shaking so I got a blanket out of the backpack and placed it over her. I guess she wasn't really wearing the best clothes to be outside in. Black skinny jeans, a pink vest with a black jacket.

"Thanks" she muttered.

"No problem" I said back.

~~~Next Day~~~ 6.00am~~~


I woke up to someone shaking me. I turned over and saw Jerry,"Time to go" he said.

"I don't want to" I said still sleepily.

"Sorry, but you don't really have a choice" Jerry said, but he didn't really look sorry. I bet him and Jack are only taking me for money. But for who? Who wanted me kidnapped? I sat up and felt horrible. It's been years since I've been camping, and even then it was in a camper, not in a tent.

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