For The First Time

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•~Kellin's P.O.V~•🇬🇧

"Kellin,I'm taking you out to tonight. Dress formally."Zayn shouted from the living room,I smiled.Today was the day we would try,try to have a baby.

I quickly went to the shower,grabbing my vanilla scented body wash and scrubbing my body inside out."Scrub scrub scrub.Scrubby dub dub in the tub!"I giggled.Wow.Why am I this giddy?

I finished rinsing my body off,smelling of many different aromas.The main vanilla,which I know for a fact is Zayn's favorite.I stepped out and dried myself off.Now time fire clothes.Yay.

I finally decided to wear a peach colored dress,open back,forming a heart,and a choker neckline.It flowed at the bottom,reaching the ending of my knees.I settled on some black platformed heels.I put on some black earrings,dangling from my small ear.

I settled on putting my hair up in a messy,yet elegant bun.For makeup, peach lipstick,eyeliner,and mascara. I really don't like it heavy.I huffed as I looked in the mirror.Today is the big day,I waited for my whole life. I dreamt it would be special."Alexis Kellin?"A voice knocked my thoughts out.

I made my way down to the living room where there was a man,dressed in a suit."Well hello sir,my name is Alexis."I smiled.

"So you are the beautiful Alexis Kellin Zayn has been speaking about. Well, now i'm aware as to why he can't stop talking.My name is William,I will be escorting you today."He smiled,how adorable was he?

"There you go Mrs.Drew."I was than settled in a limo,wow,smooth Mr.Malik,William smiled.

"You can call me Kellin,my friends call me Kellin."I said politely.He nodded and went to the driver's seat.

I fiddled with my thumbs before William opened my door.We've arrived to the place.I wonder what it was.

"Here we are!Just walk straight ahead. Good luck Kellin."He chirped before leaving me.

I breathed deeply and walked down the gravel path.I smiled as I saw lanterns lit up,hung by strings.Right next to the lake,is a big oak tree where the lights are hung.I gasped as I saw Zayn,with orchids,my favorite flowers,smiling and waiting for me.I dropped my bag and ran the rest of the way.

"Zayn,this is absolutely beautiful!"I smiled.I remembered telling him once that I keenly wanted something as cliche as this to happen.The whole seen,of lights,the tree,the lake. Everything was perfect.

"Glad you like it.Now Ms.Drew,this night is keenly about you and me."He pointed at himself then poked my nose.He grabbed my hand and led me around the tree where there was a picnic.

"Zayn,I wore a good dress to sit on the floor."I huffed,playfully.

"Well sorry for trying to make this cute."He scoffed,playing as well.

"Zayn,I can't thank you enough for this night."I smiled."I want you to know you're making my wish come true,that this is our thing.That you're important."I smiled.

"Kellin,it's an honor."He said.

He took out a vintage camera,that I told him about many times."Zayn!Oh my gosh!"I said.

He stood up,grabbing my hand."How are we supposed to remember this night,without pictures?"He chuckled. Cheeky bastard.

"Blehhhh,so smooth Mr.Malik."I teased him,pinching his cheek.

"I know,I just that good."He said.I scoffed and hit his arm.He dragged me back down to eat,where he didn't stop taking pictures.

I took the camera from his rough hands,it seemed so large in mine compared to him."Smile Smooth."I giggled.He smiled,showing his adorable tongue.

"Funny face."I crossed my eyes and poked out my tongue,while Zayn did his horrible fuck face."Aww,we look adorable."I took the delicate paper in my hands,admiring it.

"Another one."I said.Zayn smiled while I kissed his cheek.The photo came out,which I later shook to cool down.I saw a slight tinge of rosy pink on Zayn's cheeks.

"Alexis,we kind of have to go I rented out this park until 11:00."Zayn said,sheepishly.I nodded.

My stomach churned.The time growing nearer.I would no longer be innocent.And most likely will be pregnant.

"Kellin,you don't have to do this."Zayn soothed me.

"God damnit Zayn I want this!"I snapped."Zayn I didn't mean it like that."I apologized.

"Don't worry.I know this is a lot of stress."He smiled.

"C'mon."He grabbed my hand,leading me towards the bedroom.This is it.

It was setup with candles,roses,and photos.If us growing up.Until this moment,where I guess Zayn went when he said he was going to use the 'bathroom'.

I removed my shoes,as he removed his jacket.He removed his shoes,and lead me to the bed.He took the camera out,as he placed his lips on mine,me cupping his face.He removed the photo shaking it and setting it down.

"Love you Alexis."He said,looking into my eyes.

I bit my lip,I can't help but think of someone else.The curls.The green eyes.The rightful owner of my heart. Harry.

"You don't have to say it back Kellin.I just want you to know,that you're giving your special prize away to someone who loves you."He said.I nodded.

"But I love ya too Zaynie."I giggled.He smiled and continued our kiss,going down my neck,releasing my moans.Here we go.

•~Harry's P.O.V~•🇺🇸

Okay,well I got to writing the song.It came out pretty good.I'm not finished. It was hard to get inspiration,but I just thought of Kellin.She makes me smile.She's my sun.

I got my phone an dialed in the all to familiar number.Voicemail.I furrowed my eyebrows.I thought she said she would pick it up the minute I called.

I called again.Voicemail. Again. Voicemail.And about five more times.What would she be doing that could possibly be more important than me?

Or is it something happening to her?What if something bad is happening? Well,she's a big girl,she could handle herself.

•~Zayn's P.O.V~•🇯🇵

We both panted as I fell down beside her tired body.I snuggled to her closer.She cuddled her smaller body to mine.Sweaty,tired,but it was all worth it.I heard her phone vibrating on the table,but let it be.

"Thank you so so so much Zayn." Kellin managed to get out in between breaths.

"Believe me when I say this.It was my pleasure."I teased her.She scoffed.

"I would punch you,but I'm too worn out."She sighed.I smiled and pulled her closer if possible.Can this night get any better?

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