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I screamed in fury,picking up the wooden chair beside me.

I threw it harshly on the floor, almost breaking it with my force.

I crumpled to the floor and started to cry, and cry, and cry.

"Why is it that everything I love has to be taken away from me so quickly?I could never be happy."I sobbed into my hands.

I cradled Elliott tightly in my arms.She was the only prized,solid memory I have of Kellin.

I pray that she inherits Kellin's beautiful,brunette hair.

I hope she has Kellin's beautiful, captivating eyes.The blue ones, although they appeared the most breath-taking shade of a deep aquamarine.

I sigh deeply and close my eyes.

This is it,I thought to myself.

This was going to be the outcome. Kellin had told me to prepare for it.

I thought I was.Thought,I thought I was. I should have listened to her, but I was so caught up in the present I didn't think of the future.

She warned me all the time, the one, the very last one.It was most vivid, as it was the warning she gave me on the way to the hospital.


I look in the rearview mirror, flinching every time Kellin scrunched in pain from a contraction.

I bit my lip in anticipation, and scrunched my eyebrows as I tried to fight off her heavy breathing and which direction I should take.

Each gasp that escaped her lips seemed to make me loose ten brain cells because I would forget what turn to make,which street to take,how far away the hospital is.

"Zayn,Zayn.Look at me."Kellin looked in the rear view mirror.

"Yes?"I heaved out.I started to sweat heavily.

"This is my warning.I'm four months premature,and I can't breathe right. Be prepared,it may be my time to go. It'd the baby's time to live."She breathed out, clutching the door handle as a way to ease out her pain.

That seemed to I from one ear, out the other.

I just focused on the road and nodded at her,not really knowing what I was nodding in confirmation for.

Flashback Over-

Do I regret not fully registering what Kellin warned me about?

Yes,I fully regret not being able to put aside my thought for the last time that Kellin fully spoke a sentence.

Her last words directed towards me.I didn't take appreciation of them.

I'm so truly sorry.


I shouted and trashed in the security guard's arms, refusing to leave Kellin's side.

"No,no,no!"I shouted.The security guard was starting to get annoyed as he shoved me roughly out of the her room.

But I didn't even get to say goodbye to her.

I didn't get to tell her I loved her more than life itself.

I didn't get to kiss her and hold her like a boyfriend would.

Possibly even a husband, if she would've said yes.

If we were together finally.

But I didn't get to.

Life truly isn't fair at all.

People sometimes come into our life abruptly,and we can't stop them,but we don't know that they came to change our lives drastically

That person was Kellin.

But it all started with 'The Nerd Project.'

Who would think we would end up here.

Operation 'The Nerd Project', claimed as successful.

So I think we're finally done here.

Aren't we?

-Doctor Lachowski-

I tapped my fingers on my chin as I looked at the girl's body.

Her heart was perfectly fine.

Vision?Could be better,but healthy.


Organs?Working out, except for her lungs.

I sighed deeply as I started to move the sheet over her body as the door slammed open.

"Doctor,doctor!"The nurse, Rion, ran in.

"What happened Rion?"I asked,rather concerned and curious.

"We have a lung donor!Female,age 20, and fits all the requirements."She smiled widely.

"What are we waiting for?Come on we could save her.There's time!"I shouted, making peculiar gesticulations with my hands.

I smiled down at the girl below me.

"I'll save your life.Don't you worry." I patted her.

Hey guys!

I have a brand new story out called,"You're in the Wrong Locker Room," and I want you guys to go check it out!

I won't update this story until the story mentioned above has 20 votes and no exceptions!I really love the start of the story and I think you guys will too!

And,oh wow!

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This was actually one of my most favorite chapters that I got to write!

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