REQUEST ! RIGHT NOWWWW!!!!! lol jk but please do . (read ittt)

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heyyy you sexy face !! so no one has been requesting . The only people requested were like three people and I'm thankful for that. But please request somethong maybe I can do some thing different whatever you'd like .maybe like a ship? I dunno . what do you guys and I would love some feed back about my imagines maybe if they are crappy which *cough cough* we all know that they are but please leave me something I would really like to interact with you guys one way or another..... (1d reference directioners ,eh ? *nudge nudge* ) . so yeah guys please adk me questions . whatever like if I like food .which I would answer with : of course I'm human I have to like it. so yeah oh and yesterday I went to the beach !!! yay right ? right ? ok then welp I has gots ta go . wait before you go to be able to request you can comment , message me ,or kik me at infiniteskittles69 (or we can just talk about random stuff or whatevarrrr) .also please vote , comment , and follow me . sooo byeeee you sexy faced duckiee (btw should I chage that if so what?comment or message me.)

~Amber •~•

Any imagines.{Requests are open}Where stories live. Discover now