Chapter 5 - - Percy

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Percy moped around the rest of the day. How could he have screwed up so badly? Now Annabeth probably hated him. Not only had he ruined their chances of going to the dance together, but he'd ruined the friendship that they'd built up by walking to and from school together. What was he going to do now?

Annabeth's not everything, he sternly told himself. It doesn't matter that she doesn't like you now. You probably didn't have a chance in the first place.

But no matter what he told himself, Percy kept replaying their conversation in his head, imagining what he could have said to get Annabeth to say yes.

When his mom and Paul got home, they all went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant. Normally Percy loved the food there, but today he just picked at it. "Are you okay?" his mom asked, and he reassured her that he was. Partly through their dinner, Percy got up to go to the bathroom. Near the front door he spotted a familiar blonde head. Panic raced through him, then happiness, then panic again.

Percy raced to the bathroom and locked himself in the one room restroom. He sank down on the small chair in the corner. Great. What was he going to do now? Just avoid her? How do you do that in a small restaurant?

Someone knocked on the door and Percy reluctantly got up and left the bathroom. A line had formed while he was inside. Percy almost panicked again when he saw the girl at the end of the line. He hurried past, hoping that Annabeth hadn't seen him.

The next day, Percy trudged to school alone. The walk felt much longer without Annabeth to talk to. If he hadn't asked her out, they could have just stayed friends. But no, Percy had to ruin it.

At school, Percy found Leo and Jason whispering in the corner together. Percy looked around but couldn't see Annabeth anywhere. He joined his friends.

"What's up?"

Leo gestured excitedly. "Luke and Annabeth are going to the dance together!"

Percy felt like someone had punched him in the chest. "What?!"

"Leo!" Jason scolded. "Percy likes her. But yeah, they're dating now."

Percy didn't know what to say. Had Annabeth said yes to Luke before Percy asked her? Or did Luke ask her after Percy and Annabeth fought? Had Annabeth liked Luke all along? Was Silena lying? Why did Luke get all of the girls?

"And," Jason continued, looking amused. "Frank is asking Hazel to the dance." He pointed to where the big Asian was talking to Hazel Levesque, a petite, dark-skinned girl with pretty gold eyes.

Percy forced a grin. "Cool."

"What's the matter?" Jason asked, looking at Percy, concerned.

"He's heartbroken!" cried Leo.

"Shut up," Percy muttered, watching Frank and Hazel.

Leo seemed to take the hint, which was unusual for him. "What about you, Grace? Have you asked Piper out yet?"

Jason was saved from answering because Frank returned to the boys. A wide grin stretched across his face. "She said yes!"

Percy smiled, genuinely this time, and clapped Frank on the back. "Nice!"

Leo was not deterred. "Come on, Jason. Have you? Have you?"

"No," Jason said. "But I'm going to after school."

As Percy looked at his friends' happy faces, especially Frank, he felt a twinge of jealousy. He'd had his chance at romance too, until he'd messed up and made Annabeth hate him.

It was a long day. So were the next few days following it. Finally, though, it was Friday. Swim team had been canceled, much to Percy's disappointment, for the past few days because all the coaches had gotten the same nasty cold. But the coaches were better now, so when the bell rang on Friday, Percy ran to the locker rooms to change for swim team. Finally, a time where people wouldn't talk about Luke and he could just focus on swimming. And talk to Rachel, of course. He hadn't talked to her for a week because swimming practice had been canceled and he'd missed their talks.

Percy was one of the first kids out of the locker room. He looked around and saw Rachel standing there, shivering. He hurried over.

"Hi, Rachel."

She grinned. "Hey, Percy. I've missed you."

"Me too."

"Are you going to the dance?" she asked.

Percy forced his voice to sound cheery. "I guess. I don't have a date. Do you?"

Rachel shook her head. "No. Actually . . ."

"What?" he asked curiously.

"Well, I know boys usually ask girls. But I want to break out of gender roles. Percy, will you be my date to the dance?"

Percy was surprised. Very surprised. Rachel had always been a friend, never romantic at all. But as he looked at her eyes shining as she watched him hopefully, Percy realized that she had a crush on him. He didn't have the heart to say no and crush her dreams like his own had been crushed. He smiled at Rachel. Maybe he didn't like her in the same way as she liked him, but it was only a high school dance. And who knew what would happen?

"I'd love to, Rachel."

On Sunday he and Rachel went to go see a movie together. The movie was a creepy thriller that they both enjoyed. Rachel grabbed his hand during the first scary scene and didn't let go until the end. Percy didn't mind at all. They shared popcorn and candy. It was a good first date. But Percy wondered what Luke and Annabeth had done for theirs. He still didn't feel anything romantic for Rachel, but it was fun spending time with her. He walked her to her apartment building and they hugged before he headed home.

As he wandered the streets by himself, he thought about the dance. He hoped it would be fun and that Rachel didn't want him to do anything romantic. He had no experience in that area, let alone any desire to go there.

An unpleasant thought crept into his head. Would Luke make a move on Annabeth? He had no idea. He hoped not.

This train of thoughts led to more questions. Had Annabeth always liked Luke, and always considered Percy just a friend? Or had she decided to go with Luke only after Percy's failed attempt to ask her out? Was there any chance for him and Annabeth? Or had he ruined it?

Percy didn't know. It was so hard to understand girls. He sighed and turned towards home. Well, he'd learn a lot at the dance next Friday, that's for sure.

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