Chapter 7 - - Percy

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The week passed slowly for Percy. Everyone at school, even his friends, were talking about the dance excitedly. He was looking forward to it . . . kind of . . . not that much. What if Luke and Annabeth . . . He wrenched away from that thought. He and Rachel didn't see each other much that week, both busy with their studies. On Thursday, Percy and his friends made plans to eat out at a restaurant before the dance. They were all bringing their dates, and Rachel was excited to go. Although Percy liked spending time with her, he couldn't help but think of Annabeth, blond curls dancing, laughing as she held Luke's hand.

His mother had asked last week about the dance. Percy told her that he was taking Rachel, and he was pretty sure that he'd caught a slightly surprised expression on her face when he said nothing about Annabeth. At least she didn't ask about her. Sometimes his mother was too nosy.
Percy's mother informed him that a tuxedo would be proper for a formal dance like this. They spent several minutes paging through the phone book late Thursday night, looking for a tuxedo rental store, but they couldn't find one. When Paul, Percy's stepdad, came home, he donated an old tuxedo of his to Percy. It mostly fit, and his mother assured him that it didn't look bad. Besides, Percy didn't really care that much. It was just a high school dance, and he wasn't even going with his crush. He didn't think anyone would be dressed that formally, and he felt a little bit idiotic as he got into the front seat Friday night.

Paul was driving him, first to Rachel's house to pick her up, and then to the restaurant where he would meet some of his other friends with their dates. They would then walk to the school, which was only a block away from the restaurant. In the car, Paul asked casually, "What about that other girl? The one you walked to school with? Is she going to the dance?"

Percy nodded, but didn't elaborate. He didn't really want to think about Annabeth right now. He wanted to have fun tonight.

When they pulled up to the address Rachel had given him, Percy felt his jaw drop in surprise. There was a huge, grand apartment building in front of him, and by the looks of it, their suite was the gigantic penthouse at the top. When he went inside, a doorman stopped him and asked which apartment he was trying to contact.

"Number 1000, please," Percy said. "Rachel Dare."

The doorman smirked and pushed a button. Percy didn't really like the look on his face. "Miss Dare, there's a boy here to get you," he said into an intercom. "What's your name?" he hissed, and when Percy told him, he turned back to the intercom. "He says his name is Percy Jackson."

A few minutes later, the elevator doors dinged open and Rachel stepped out. Percy's jaw almost dropped again. Her dress was a beautiful shade of grey and her red hair tumbled down her neck in an elegant style. She wore a little makeup, just enough to accent her eyes and facial features. She was beautiful. She laughed at the expression on his face. "Hey, Percy."

"Hi, Rachel," he stuttered. "You, um, look really good."

They walked back out to Paul's battered Prius. Percy helped her into the back seat and then climbed in next to her. "We're going to the Italian restaurant right next to the school and some other couples are meeting us there," he told her. She smiled happily and squeezed his hand. "I'm really excited, Percy!"

At the restaurant, they were escorted to a table where several of their friends already sat. Jason and Piper, Frank and Hazel, Grover and Juniper, Silena and Charlie, Leo, and Thalia were all sitting down around the table. Percy scanned the room for Annabeth or Luke, but didn't see them. They were probably just late. He and Rachel sat down next to each other. Rachel's eyes were bright and she looked like she was having the time of her life. Percy couldn't help but feel a surge of friendly affection for her.

They all chatted about school and sports, ordered and then ate entrees, but Annabeth and Luke still hadn't arrived. Percy felt a small pit of dread in his stomach: part worry about taking Rachel despite the fact he didn't like her, part anxiety for the dance, and part anger that he'd screwed up asking Annabeth.

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