Chapter 8 - - Annabeth

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The week before the dance passed in a blur for Annabeth. She didn't get much time with Luke, between her homework and his soccer practices, but the few stolen moments she did have were precious. At school, her friends gossiped about who was taking who to the dance, and what the actual dance would be like. They made plans to meet each other, with their dates, at a restaurant close to school before the dance. Annabeth could hardly wait, and before she knew it, it was Friday. Silena, who was very good at this sort of thing, offered to do all the girls' makeup and hair, so Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, and Bianca went home with her after school on Friday. Silena also knew exactly what was going on with every single person's relationships, so she gossiped mercilessly while applying Annabeth's makeup.

"Yes, and I heard that Chris Rodriguez asked Clarisse La Rue, and they are just perfect of course, I couldn't be happier about that, but on the other hand Kayla Knowles asked Will Solace and he said no! I have no idea why, they would be so cute, but anyway . . . enough about everyone else. You're going with Luke, Annabeth, and Percy's going with Rachel! How did this happen? I thought you two were destined to go!"

Annabeth flushed. "You know, Silena, Percy did ask me, but he also said something about you telling him to ask me, so I refused because I thought you were just trying to set us up!"

"Oh," Silena fell silent. After a pause, she said, "I'm sorry, Annabeth. I just thought he needed a little prompting. Boys are so thick-headed sometimes. I--I really am sorry."

"It's fine," Annabeth said. "I like Luke a lot too, and I am very happy to go with him, so no harm done."

The thing was, Annabeth meant it. Percy was a thing of the past. Even though she'd found out that he wasn't asking her because Silena told him to, her crush on him had faded, especially when compared to her feelings for Luke.

Her thoughts were turned abruptly away from this topic as Silena, smiling, pulled out a deluxe makeup kit. "No!" Annabeth protested. "No, I only want a little makeup, please, Silena, no!"

But Silena, deaf to her protests, continued to masterfully apply makeup until Annabeth had to admit that it did look good, despite the fact that she didn't like makeup.

Silena's father, who was a hair stylist, was waiting in the next room. For about twenty minutes, Annabeth sat in a chair in front of him while he pulled and twisted her hair. When she looked in the mirror afterwards, though, she quickly decided that it was worth it. Her hair had been beautifully braided and twisted up behind her head. She rejoined the others in the living room, and Piper squealed. "Ooh! Annabeth!! You look so good!"

Annabeth blushed and smiled. The other four girls also looked beautiful. Piper and Silena were radiant, Hazel pretty in a very quiet, not show-offy way, and Bianca looked very cute.

Silena smiled. "Well? Should we put on our dresses now?"

They split up to change, and Annabeth found herself in the roomy downstairs bathroom. She pulled the beautiful dress out of the bag and carefully put it on. As it settled over her, she remembered how much she loved it and how comfortable and light it was. The gossamer layers floated around her and, just for the joy of it, Annabeth spun around. The dress flew behind her and she laughed. She knew, just knew, that tonight was going to be one of the best nights of her life.

Back in the living room, everyone was dressed in the outfits that they planned to wear this evening. Silena's dad came in and pretended to faint. "What beautiful girls are in my house! Oh, my!"

"Dad!" Silena scolded, while the others laughed. Annabeth pulled her phone out and checked the time.

"Oh my gosh! I'm meeting Luke in ten minutes!"

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