Mae's Guide to the Supernatural World

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A personalized look into my world.

The Fourteen Branches of Supernatural Magic

In order of appearance:

Werewolves (Nemesis- Vampires): those who hold the blood of canine ancestors. They can shift into their wolf forms one week before and after the full moon; they have superior strength, speed, and hearing. At WSBS, they learn to master their shift and their new found strength. Wolves also retain their clothing after shifting; they can be bitten or born. Deity: Lady Luna.

Vampires (Nemesis- Werewolves): blood suckers. They are faster than werewolves and their hearing is superb. As werewolves and vampires are connected through the moon cycle, vampires can shift into their bat forms when the moon is at its darkest; whereas werewolves can shift when the moon is at its brightest. However, a vampires bat grows bigger as the moon gets darker. By new moon, the bats are the same size as a wolf.

Necromancers (Nemesis- Shayman): their name chills my bones. They can communicate with and raise the dead with their secretive rituals. Earth is the only element they can bend.

Sorcerers (Nemesis- Witches): male spell-casters. At WSBS, they learn different spells. Sorcerers are not male witches; a sorcerer's powers are passed from sorcerer fathers. Typically, sorcerers will give birth to sons, furthering the continuation of their race; daughters born from sorcerer fathers retain no magical powers. These are the children with the Sight (see below.) Deity: Lord Hetces.

Wolf Skin-walkers (Nemesis- Cat skin-walkers): similar to werewolves. They can shift into wolf form regardless of the moon phase. While werewolves are packed with strength, wolf skin-walkers are more agile. Usually, they are weaker than werewolves. Wolf skin-walkers have a birthmark of a wolf paw print; it differentiates them from werewolves. Deity: Lady Celestia

Shayman (Nemesis- Necromancers): arguably my better half. One of our gifts is the ability to bend the natural elements: air, water, and fire. But, we must have a ready supply of the element in order to do that; we cannot create or destroy elements. We can also cast simple spells; Sano is our best one, it can heal any wound or ailment. Another gift we have is the ability to Asterial Project. Because our souls are connected to nature, they can be split from our bodies with the blink of an eye. Our souls can enter other bodies, offering a communication line between the shayman and the temporary host. Souls cannot harm or be harmed. Shayman are fully functional without their souls.

Demi-daemons (Nemesis- Benedanti): supernaturals who have a demon in their family tree. No literally, a real demon, not some younger sibling. Demi-daemons are given one inherited power from their demon ancestor; it's called a gift. Gifts can be anything from fire bending, mind reading, to having an affinity in music. There are thousands of demi-daemon gifts. 

Witches (Nemesis- Sorcerers): female spell casters. They learn a variety of spells, as their stereotype suggests; but these powerhouses are not potion brewers or broomstick riders. Nor are they the daughters of sorcerers; female witches give birth to daughters, who in turn become witches. Sons with witch mothers become people with the Sight (see below.) Deity: Herces.

Benedanti (Nemesis-Demi-Daemons): the origin of this race stems from angels in Italy. As they are children of angels, they are given power over language. Therefore, they are extremely persuasive. They also study an ancient language, the Word, from which they can cast shouts (see below).

Cat Skin-walkers (Nemesis- Wolf Skin-walkers): people who can shift into different species of cats. Includes leopards, lions, cougars, bobcats, and more. The type of cat they shift into is determined by genetics. Like any skin-walker, they can shift whenever they want. Out of all the shifters, they are the most nimble and quick footed.

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