Chapter 30: Words, the Most Powerful Thing

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"Christian!" King Dalair's open mouth resembled a fish.

My childhood friend strode confidently to my side. I'd had a lingering suspicion as to who the mercenary leader was beneath his hood. Now knowing who he was, and what he meant to me, I was beyond overjoyed.

When the raven-haired, seventeen-year-old stood before me, he bent in a comical bow. It was a classic, juvenile action, which seemed to have stuck with him through the years.

He repeated the gesture to my friends. "Christian Arezo: long-time friend to the lovely Princess Mae, leader of his own mercenary corporation, and formerly a loyal wolf to the Northern King."

"Christian! What? How?" My father only scratched the surface on all the questions we wanted answered. He recovered from his bewildered state. "No. As a former member of the Privy Council, you forfeit your right to vote."

The mercenary laughed. "Even I know the rules of the Privy Council, and I've taken a leave for five years." Christian rolled his eyes. He actually rolled his eyes at the esteemed Northern King. "Did not the fair Princess say: 'All members of the Council, please practice your birthrights and cast your votes now?'

I am practicing my birthright. As the son of Lady Anne, former Beta of the North, I receive a vote as well. Despite not being an active member of the Council, I'm still entitled to one, simply through my existence."

He had a valid point.

"And there is nothing, even as King, you can do about it." Christian stated, arms crossed.

"The vote is passed. The verdict remains in the affirmative," Gamma Holter announced. "The life of Danny Solway is spared. He is free to go, and granted immunity by this Council. Lady Luna, bless our decision."

Only then, did I break rank. I gave Christian a look of profound gratitude. He simply smirked back.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hey? You disappear for five years without contacting any of us and the only thing you have to say to me is hey? We didn't have a clue what had happened to you!"

"Well, there is a lot to say. But now is definitely not the time."

"Of course now is the time!"

"No, it's not. All you need to know is that I'm happy, alive, and free." He drew up the hood on his cloak and turned away.

"Wait!" I cried, arm extended. My eyes held so much sorrow. "Don't go. I missed you. We missed you. It isn't the same without you."

"I know." Christian took a step back. "I missed you to. But I can't return now. My squad, they need me more."

"Your squad? You mean your mercenaries?"

"Yes. The small group of misfits I've gathered over the years." Happiness overtook my friend's face. "They need me to lead them."

I sighed, resigned. "I'd like to meet them one day."

"Anything for you Mae." Christian laughed.

"So I guess this is good bye for now."

"Until next time. Remember your oath."

I smiled. "And you remember yours."

The words of his promise drifted into my mind. When you rise to the throne and are old enough to defend yourself, I will come back. I will be the first to stand by your side. Christian returned my smile before turning away again. Then, he was swallowed by shadow.

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