Chapter 25: The Charm

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"Hetces and Celestia above! We're trapped," Boe growled.

The dark shapes I saw earlier emerged out of the brush. A hasty head count revealed a little over two dozen men. Hooded figures joined their ranks, increasing the rebel's numbers alarmingly. But I kept a high alert, that quantity only pertained to the people I could see. Who knows how many more were hiding in the area.

Both Imperials and rebels heard the chaotic sounds of combat fast approaching. An inner vessel, pumping with adrenaline, prepared me for combat. Daggers in hand, I got into a fighting stance. It had been weeks since I'd seen action.

I projected to the others, "There is no other option. We have to make our stand now. I am not going peacefully when we are so close to freedom."

"She's right," Boe agreed.

Their faces went dour. Brooke barked orders through our projection. I was raring to go. She just needed to say the word.

The leader of the rebel patrol rose from his chair; his voice was dangerously influential. "Come now children, you're coming back with us whether you like it or not. We can do this one of two ways.

One option is fighting, but it'll end with all of you getting hurt. Or you can turn in your weapons now and Mr. Solway will look upon your surrender with forgiveness. It's your choice."

Brooke snarled, "Never! Your persuasion is pitiful, Benedanti. There's only one way we're going down."

"Some things are just far past forgiving." I smiled sweetly; the blade in my hand was nothing but a blur of metal and jewel.

"If that's what you want, that's what you'll get." The man narrowed his eyes.

I saw it all in slow motion. Brooke gave her signal. I immediately launched myself at the closest cluster of rebels. There were seven total.

When the power of my attack hit them, they were knocked over like bowling pins. Powerfully slicing my daggers in an uppercut, I sent two flying. A swift blow from my right knee careened another into his ally. Four down.

The final three had only just drawn their broadswords. Broadsword against dagger? How unfair. For them at least.

I quickly dashed at them, hitting their sword hands. Steel twirled in the sky. Disarmed. With their blades gone, they decided brute force was their only option. Soon, one rebel grabbed my right arm and wrenched it back. I swore I heard something crack; I stifled a cry. Still high on adrenaline, twisted until I was at my attacker's back. Then I slammed my left elbow between his shoulder blades.

It had all occurred in a matter of seconds. I stole a moment to look at my arm. Thankfully, nothing was broken. Though a thin stream of blood welled from a cut. I was not sure where I'd gotten that injury from. In my haste to get to the rebels, I had also pulled a muscle in my leg.

With me distracted, the rebels had gone for their lost blades. My gaze snapped back to the fight. Their shift in focus small pause gave me ample time to rotate my daggers. I slammed them hilt first, onto two of the distracted rebels.

They crumpled.

My remaining opponent had fled to the bushes. Even with the limp in my leg, I almost gave pursuit. But the sound of drawstrings growing tense stopped me.

Easily, I could locate four archers. Their weapons gave them away. Metallic arrowheads peeked out from behind the branches. My hand went to my pocket, where a concealed pen rested. Still as stone, I closed my eyes and released my soul. As she left, arrows went zinging towards me.

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