Chapter 27: And That's All They Get

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        "We have to get ready! The message was delivered yesterday. We come in two nights. Last night counted as one, which means that tonight they storm the compound." I pleaded.

"Are you sure? How did you get the message? Who delivered it? Can we trust them?" Boe grilled. Tensions were high between us after the betrayal.

"It makes sense guys, tonight's the full moon. It's the perfect night for an assault. Just have a little faith. What do we have to lose?"

There was a heavy silence.

Astrid mumbled. "I think we should prepare. If the message is true, then at least we'll be ready. If not, here's to another month of captivity."

Shortly thereafter, Danver boomed on the intercom, "In light of recent events-"

He meant the interrogation.

"I'm restoring old habits. Today, you will be given back your opportunity to leave the Glass Room at your leisure. However, we are limiting your travels to this floor only. You may choose to take this offer, or simply stay and rest."

I was already out the doors before the intercom had buzzed off. Brooke, Boe, Neo, and Soren joined me as I was striding down the hall. We were trailed by two rebels each. Guess they weren't taking any chances.

Boe tapped my shoulder; he passed me three buttons and four bobby pins. Pocketing the former, I deftly weaved the pins into the tendrils of my hair.

We spotted Danny, Sean, and Ryan ducking into a nearby classroom. I gave Boe a look, asking if we should follow. He shrugged. Danny caught sight of us, and discreetly motioned his head inside. It was an invitation.

Since we donned marks of the interrogation, we took a moment to adjust our appearances. I couldn't lift heavier objects with my right arm, because the shoulder bone was still recovering from my dislocation. More ugly bruises were hidden beneath my clothing. I was thankful the others couldn't see them.

As perusal, I poked my head into the classroom first. When the instructor saw us, her eyebrows arched. Slowly, the five of us walked in. Of course, we were met with intense stares.

I smiled back at the onlookers, hoping to transpire some friendliness. In response, the rebels jumped, and quickly found their notebooks vastly interesting. I scoffed, crossing my arms. Boe and the other Imperial boys stifled chuckles.

Brooke remembered her manners, "Excuse us Miss, but we were wondering if it would be alright to.....participate in today's lecture. We're very curious. You don't mind us dropping in, do you? If you do, we'll just be on our way."

The teacher paused, contemplating the plausibility in Brooke's words. "I think that it would be alright. But if I catch any misbehaviour, you are out of my classroom." She paused, giving us a chance to nod. "My name is Miss Orcha. This is the senior class at the main compound."

"Thank you. I'm Brooke by the way. Soren and Neo here," Brooke pointed to the boys, "are both seniors. And Mae, Boe, and I are juniors."

During the introductions, I began to stare at Miss Orcha. She had to be in her late fifties. There weren't many young women in the rebel compounds anymore. A few years ago, the Southern Rebels had suffered a severe attack with many casualties being young women.

No one had claimed responsibility for the attack. Though, it was assumed that an Imperial group was behind it.

I knew that Danver's wife, Linda Solway, had perished in that assault. Danny barely knew his mother, for he was a toddler when she passed.

Miss Orcha openly smiled, "Have a seat, take the couches at the back of my classroom."

Brooke nodded to me. Peeling myself away from her side, I led the others through the snaking desks. The students wisely had their eyes trained on their books. But as we passed, they looked up, staring at our backs.

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