Chapter 4: The Lore

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Once the cafeteria doors shut behind us, Brooke's face turned giddy like a child on Christmas. "That was amazing! Did you see the looks on their faces when it got all over their shirts! Luna, I've never seen anything like it!"

I laughed; she had used the name of Luna in vain.

Every supernatural race had a patron, someone who'd supposedly granted them their powers long ago. There were few supernaturals who religiously worshipped their deities.

As my fellow pack mates passed, they paused to give me pats on the back. Brooke looped her arm around mine, again, as she led me to my very first class.

"School days are divided into eight blocks, roughly 55mins each. Instruction time is between 8:30am and 4:30pm. And on weekends, there's no school. Students are allowed to roam campus and the 5km radius of forest surrounding the school.

You really lucked out Mae. Our 'human' subjects: English, Science, Math and such, are done for the day. Now, we get to do the more fun subjects like Supernatural 101 and Phys. Ed.

But Phys. Ed isn't just regular sports, we use magic. Let me tell you, dodgeball gets a hundred times better when you're not only dodging balls," Brooke winked at me. "In our gym classes, we learn fighting techniques and spell casting.

As a hybrid, you will also have Werewolf Studies and Shayman Class, because those are your magical origins. It's different for everyone. I get Benedanti and Werewolf classes. Some purebreds receive an extra class of their magical origin. But, most choose to have a spare instead. Also, every day your schedule changes."

"They change your schedule daily? Why?" I asked.

Boe replied, "It has to do with the recent rebel attacks. Southern Rebels want hybrids, right? If the rebels are looking for someone in particular, they won't be able to find that person in an attack because their schedule changes."

The idea of getting a new schedule every day still baffled me. But I our conversation was cut off when we arrived in a large auditorium space. The wolf pack was early. So, many of the seats were open.

Brooke selected a section to the left hand side. Following her lead, the pack trickled in and sat in pack order. Mike, Brooke, Boe, and I were in the front and the weaker pack members in the back; it gave them the protection of the stronger members in the event of an attack.

More people began filtering in. Soon, the auditorium looked to be on the brink of capacity.

I shifted closer to Boe, "So what class is this?"

He whispered, "Supernatural 101. Since we're juniors, fourteen to fifteen-year-olds in our third year of training, this class is mandatory. We learn about the other supernatural races in this class.

Then, in senior year, we each turn our focus to our origin race or races.

We graduate when we're sixteen. But there's two more years of advanced supernatural education after this, before some decide to go to human collages."

Werewolves were considered adults at sixteen. Sixteen-year-old supernaturals were also of legal voting age for the Four Kingdoms' national government. Most of our representatives were the natural-born leaders, the Benedanti.

"Um, hello?" I looked up to see a cheerful looking fellow, perhaps a year older, standing before me. Judging from Boe's relaxed state, I pegged the boy as an ally.

When he had my attention he resumed, "My apologies for not meeting up with you. The time ran away from me, I'm afraid. My name's Daniel Burnath. You must have heard of my father, correct?"

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