Imagine for Krista_gleek

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Krista's POV

    When I was 11 years old, my dad passed away of a heart attack. He was just playing a basketball game (his favorite sport), and then he had an asthma attack. The hospital he went to was not equipped to properly deal with this, and his organs began to fail due to the lack of oxygen. His heart arrested and then he was gone.

    At that moment, I vowed to honor his legacy and become a basketball star, just like he wanted to be. Nine years later, I'm in college playing basketball for a major team and hoping to get recruited to the Women's NBA. But, I always have this fear. The fear that something will happen, and no one will be able to save me. Lucky for me, I have an amazing boyfriend, Louis. He's so supportive of me when I get scared of things, or have panic attacks. He's been my rock for the past two years, and I never want to let him go. He's a surgeon which makes me nervous sometimes, but he only goes into "doctor mode" once I realize that it's essential.

    Today, I had plans to go play basketball with my friends, Harry and Liam. We were just going to play a few games. We usually played two against one. I was the one, and I usually won. Today should have been no different. But you know, of course I had to trip over my shoelaces and fall flat on the ground. I blocked my face from hitting the ground with my hand, but my fingers were crushed. I could immediately tell they were broken, so Harry got my phone and I called Louis.

*Phone Call*

Krista: Louis, are you busy?

Louis: No, I'm just finishing my shift now, what's up?

Krista: I was playing basketball, and I tripped, and I think I broke my fingers

Louis: I'll come right now, are you at the park near your house?

Krista: Yeah, please hurry, it hurts a lot.

Louis's POV

    Krista never calls me to examine her unless it's really bad. I'm really hoping that her fingers aren't broken, because that means a trip to the hospital. That will definitely take a lot more convincing then just a trip to my office. She's so terrified, and all I want to do is help her. She knows that I will always be there for her, but she still has the major phobia of my profession.

    I arrived at the park and immediately ran over to her. She was sitting on the ground, icing her fingers, and I could tell from her uptight posture that she was terrified. I greeted her with a big hug, whilst reassuring her that everything would be okay. From the way her fingers swelled, I could tell that they were broken. From the way they were bent, I knew she would need surgery.

    I didn't want to worry her until I knew just how bad the surgery would be. I calmly told her that we would have to go to the hospital, and she would need X-Rays. Her reaction was not what I hoped for. I knew she would be scared, but she went into a full-blown panic attack. I quickly grabbed her and cuddled her into my lap.

"Krista, listen to me. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, we're just going to go and see how bad your fingers are." I gently cooed into her ear.

"No, I'm not going. My dad died in a hospital, I don't want to be anywhere near one"

    Seeing her in this much pain hurt me so bad. But I knew that we had to get to the hospital, or she would be in even more pain. I continued to whisper things into her ear, until she told me that she was ready. I picked her up and carried her to my car, and off we went. She cried the whole way there, and I continued to tell her that everything was okay.

Krista's POV

    When we got to the hospital, Louis went in and signed me in. The he came to the car to help me out. He held on to me the whole walk to my bed in the ER. He obviously knew how much I wanted to run.

    A nurse came over and said it was time to go up to X-Ray. Louis walked the whole way there with me, and then he waited right outside the room while they did the test. They then brought me back to my bed in the ER while we waited for the results.

   A little while later, a doctor came in to give me the results. Louis went outside with him. I guess he didn't want me to get scared by the medical jargon. After about 5 minutes, Louis came back in with the doctor I now knew as Dr. Horan. He sat down right next to me, and told me that my fingers were crushed pretty badly and that I would need surgery. Actually, it was a minor procedure that I would only have local anesthesia for.

"No, Louis, I'm not doing it. Why can't I just have a cast?" I screamed at him.

"Baby, it's all okay. I'll be there with you the whole time"

"Louis, can you do the surgery instead? I trust you, and you only."

    Louis agreed to the do the procedure; well aware that this was the only way I would consent. He then walked away to get all the tools necessary. When he came back, he climbed into the bed with me, and told me that everything was going to be okay, and that there was nothing to worry about.

    At this point, I knew there was no way out, and just accepted the procedure. Louis then got up and proceeded to numb the area. He told me to close my eyes, and before I knew it, the surgery was done.

    Louis then told me that after another X-Ray to make sure everything was back to normal, we could go home. After confirming the results, that's exactly what we did. We went back to his place, and cuddled the rest of the day while watching movies.

    A week later, we had to go back for a follow up visit, and this time I put up no fight. I wasn't scared anymore; I knew Louis would always be there for me. After 6 weeks, Louis gave me the "go ahead" to play basketball again. I went back to practices and games, and I'm just waiting for the day they tell me I've been drafted.

A/N: Hi guys! Please send in your requests! Also, would you guys prefer that I upload stories as soon as they're done, or that I upload a bunch on a certain day, every week! Comment and let me know!

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