Imagine for 1DLoveImagines5sos

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Vanessa's POV

My biggest fear is being trapped. The thought of being stuck will bring me to tears. That's probably one of the reasons my anxiety skyrocketed in college. I couldn't just leave my classes; I had to stay where I was. All these "what if" questions would run through my mind. In high school, I could just stay home; make up some BS excuse why I couldn't go. In college, I was paying for it. I had to get my money's worth. It was definitely the hardest 4 years of my life.

Luckily, one good thing came out of it. When I was a freshman, I met a boy: Niall. He was 4 years older than me and a senior, but something about him made me realize he was the one. I knew he wanted to be a pediatric orthodontist, and I think that's what drew me towards him. He was so warm, and comforting. He always knew just what to say when I needed him.

He ended up staying in town for dentistry school, and I'm forever grateful for that. After we had been dating for two years, we moved into an apartment together and the rest was history. He proposed to me the night of graduation, 6 months ago, and we've been planning our wedding ever since.

For the first time, Niall was finally going to examine me at his office. After years of perfect, straight teeth, my dentist had recommended that I see an orthodontist. Although, I wasn't a child, Niall wanted me to come see him. I was hoping I wouldn't need braces. Braces meant regular trips to the orthodontist, and I hate the dentist chair. I feel trapped in there.

I made my way into Niall's office, where he greeted me with a big kiss. He led me back into his office, and asked me to sit in the chair. This is where I froze. I was fine with my regular dentist, but I became so uneasy. Yes, it was Niall, but I couldn't do this.

"Ni, I-I c-can't do this" I burst out in tears, and started hyperventilating.

Niall quickly recognized that I was having a panic attack, and pulled me into his lap and cooed things in my ear, like he had done many times before. He told me to follow his breathing, and after a few minutes, I was okay again.

"Babe, I know it's scary. But, it's just me. I promise you, you're not trapped. You're in total control." He whispered in my ear.

I got up off his lap, and proceeded to sit down in the dentistry chair. He gave me the remote, and said that when I was ready, I could lean it back. With a deep breath, I pushed the button and relaxed as the chair went backwards. Niall scooted his chair over, and I opened my mouth wide for him.

"V, you're going to need braces." He told me after a few moments of looking.

And here went the hysterics again. It was hard enough for me to get in the chair for a few minutes. There was no way I was doing it all the time. There was no way in hell.

"Niall, no! I don't care if I need them. I can't do this all the time, no way!"

"Vanessa, they're not as bad as you think. As long as they don't break, you'll only be here for a couple minutes every 6 weeks. And they'll be off in no time. I need you to trust me on this."

Niall cooed sweet words into my ear, and began to sing:

We don't want to be like them

We can make it till the end

Nothing can come between You & I

Not even the gods above

Could separate the two of us

No nothing can come between

You & I

"Okay, I trust you." I told him.

I sat back in the chair, and breathed in an out. Niall began to work on gluing the brackets to my teeth. I knew I was going to be okay. When he asked me what color I wanted, I said green, because it was Niall's favorite color.

He smiled at me, and told me I was ready to go. My mouth was really sore, so Niall took me to an Italian restaurant for dinner. I had pasta, and some soup. It was great.

1 Year Later:

I had gotten my braces off yesterday. Andtoday was the big day. We were getting married. I was wearing a big whitedress, and he was in a tuxedo with a green tie. Tears brimmed my eyes, as Irealized I was the luckiest girl alive.

A/N: Thank you all so much for over 1K reads. That's honestly so crazy to me. Keep sending in requests, I'm working on getting them all up!

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