Imagine for teen_problems0330

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Kass's POV

You always think: "It won't be me", or "It will never happen". That's how I felt before my parents died in a car crash. It was a bad accident, and the doctors say they died on impact. My brother, who was only 25, took me in. Now 5 years later, here we are. I'm 15, he's 30. He's in his 4th year of residency at our local hospital, and I'm a sophomore in high school.

I was living life happy, carefree, thinking that the worst had happened. But that wasn't the case. The day started out normal: Ashton dropped me off at school, and went to work, and I began my day. Third period: everything changed. I was in the middle of a math problem, when an announcement told us to go into lockdown. At first thought, I assumed it was a drill. Then, all hell broke loose.

I heard 1, then 2, then 3 gunshots. My teacher ran to lock the door, but we were in the front of the school and it was too late. The shooter got into the room, and started shooting. I was one of the first to be shot, a bullet went straight into my stomach and I collapsed. I don't know how much time went by, but the next thing I remember is being in the ambulance. They asked me if I had a hospital preference, and I told them where my brother worked and to please call for Ashton to be there. At that point, it all went black.

I woke up in an MRI machine. I immediately fell claustrophobic, and started screaming due to fear and the pain I was in. To my relief, Ashton came running into the room and got in the stretcher right next to me. He began to stroke my hair, and I immediately calmed down. Once I was calm, he told me that they had all the pictures they needed, and we were just going to the ER to wait for the rest of the boys.

After that, the rest of the boys- Michael, Luke, and Calum- came in. They became second brothers to me after my parents died, and I loved them all. First, Michael put my IV in. With my brother as a doctor, this didn't scare me, but Michael was still very gentile. He told me he was putting morphine in the IV to take some of the pain away. Luke, the therapist of the group, then sat down next to me and took my hand. At this point, Michael and Calum asked Ashton to come outside. This terrified me. Once they were out of the room, I started crying and yelling at Luke to tell me what was going on. Luke thought it would be best for Ash to tell me, so instead of clearing my nerves, he decided to just try to calm me down. He whispered soothing words in my ears, and rubbed my back.

Finally, the boys came back in. Ash told me that I needed surgery to take the bullet out, but that it was very simple. At this point, I had to energy to fight back, and just began to cry. Ashton got in the bed next to me, and told me not to worry. With Ashton still in the bed, Michael wheeled the stretcher to the operating room. Ashton later told me, he didn't move until I was under anesthesia.

A few hours later, I woke up groggy, surrounded by the boys. I instantly smiled because I saw them goofing around. Ashton told me I could go home in about a week, because they wanted to make sure my stitches healed properly. He also gave me the bag of my stuff he packed. He gave me my favorite pajamas, and helped me put them on. He also packed my favorite blanket for me.

Later on, they wheeled a whole bunch of kids into the conference room, and I was happy to hear that everyone was alive and doing well. Wow, turns out my doofus brother is actually a good doctor.

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