Imagine for taryna

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Taryna's POV

The 20's are supposed to be the most amazing times of your life. Fresh out of high school, on your own, you can be whoever you want to be. And let me tell you something, all my dreams are coming true. I'm in my third year of university studying to become an actress, a dream of mine since I was a little child. My boyfriend of 2 years, Calum, just finished medical school, and is an intern at the local hospital. I guess you can say that my life is perfect. I would definitely agree with that statement, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

I have one more week left of the semester before winter break, and I couldn't be more excited. Calum and I are going on an incredible trip to Cancun. I have one final left and I can't even contain my emotions right now. There's excitement, joy, nerves for the final, and pain. I've been having this twisting pain in my stomach for a couple hours now. I think it's just me worrying about my last test. It's a performance of freshman that I had to direct for my advanced theatre class.

I'm so proud of everything they've accomplished in the last few weeks. Throughout this experience, everyone in the cast has grown so much as a person and an actor. I got to shape the freshman into better actors, just like the upperclassmen had shaped me. Halfway through their performance, the pain got really bad. I had to run to the bathroom because I knew I was going to puke.

Making my way back to the auditorium, I told myself that I would go to the University Health Building after the show, and that there wasn't too long left. When I opened the doors to go back in, the room started spinning and the world went black.

"Honey, you passed out, what's wrong?" I heard this charming voice say.

Upon opening my eyes, I saw my beautiful boyfriend above me. He was in his scrubs and upon observation, I knew I was in the ER. He told me that I passed out, and that I had a severe case of appendicitis. I immediately knew that this would mean surgery. I wasn't too scared; it was a common procedure that had a high success rate.

At this point, Calum introduced me to the surgeons that would be doing the procedure, because he was still learning. Ashton was the attending, so he explained the procedure to me, while Michael and Luke got me prepped by taking vitals and putting an IV in.

The procedure was due to happen any minute, and Calum and I were alone together. Suddenly, it all hit me. I was having surgery, I would need recovery time, and our vacation would have to be postponed. At this point, the tears started flowing like a waterfall.

"Hey. Hey babe, follow my breathing. In, out, in out." Calum whispered to me as he embraced me into a hug, careful not to cause more pain.

"Calum, I can't do this. I could die, this is really scary, I don't want this." I pleaded with him.

Hugging me tighter, he explained that Ashton was the best surgeon out there and that I would be absolutely, perfectly fine. He told me that I needed this surgery, or else I would become really, really sick. Once I calmed down and understood the necessity of the procedure, Calum started wheeling my gurney bed to the elevator to take me to the OR.

As soon as we arrived in the OR, Calum grabbed my head and squeezed it 4 times. That was our secret code for "Forever and Ever". That was our thing, I knew he wanted to propose, and I wanted to be with him. Like I said, you could say my life was perfect. You know, without this whole surgery thing. They told me to count down from 10, and by 6 I was out cold.

Calum's POV

I'm sitting in the lobby of the hospital waiting for my amazing girlfriend to come out of surgery. I was supposed to observe the surgery but once she was under anesthesia, I became a nervous wreck. She's the love of my life. I can't lose her. I knew at this point that I needed to marry her. I was going to propose as soon as she was better. We were going to live happily forever and ever.

"She's out of surgery, she's in post-op." Ashton pulled me out of my daydream with these words.

At this point, I turned into the happiest guy. She was okay; we were going to be happy together. I raced down the hall to post-op like a kid in a candy shop to wait for her to wake up.

Taryna's POV

The world started coming back to life again. I saw bright lights and a fuzzy figure holding my hand. After blinking a few times, the fuzzy figure became Calum and my heart skipped a beat.

"Hey babe, it's over, you're okay." He whispered in my ear.

"What did I get on my final?" I asked him weakly, still not having found my voice after waking up.

He laughed at me. He told me that I was so cute to be worrying about that because it was a no brainer to everyone that I deserved an A.

*6 Months Later* Taryna's POV

Today was the day I would marry the love of my life. Being 20, I was still young and some people thought I was rushing into it. I knew that Calum was the love of my life, and that he would make me the happiest girl alive. I also graduated university a year early, and was auditioning to be on Broadway. Calum switched programs to be in NY, and we had found the perfect apartment for us. We were going to live our lives together happily. Who would've known that appendicitis would've made my wishes come true?

"I do."

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