Imagine for amcl_5sos Part 2

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Grace's POV

    After the whole hospital incident, Ash forced me to come in for a check-up. Needless to say, I was petrified, and Ashton knew it. He took me out for dinner the night before, and then he made me stay over at his place so "no funny business happened". I love him, but at that moment I hated him. This is why I didn't tell him. He tried to tell me that he "was different" and that he "would never hurt me", but I couldn't believe him.

    The next morning, Ashton woke me up bright and early to go in before he had patients. He was still studying to be a pediatrician, but his supervisor gave him permission to treat me alone.  He asked me if I wanted to bring anything to keep me comfortable. I brought my security blanket. I know it sounds weird but this blanket has got me through a lot. Upon arrival at his office, after many tears were shed in the car, he led me to a room.

    It didn't look like a doctor's office. He told me it was because it was supposed to be like "homey" or something to keep the kids calm. I sat down in one of the chairs clearly meant for parents. I sat silent for a few minutes while Ashton looked at my past records. Suddenly, all the memories of sophomore year came back to me.


    I was sitting on the bed waiting for the doctor to come in. He came in, clearly in a bad mood. With his grumpy voice, he asked all the doctor-like questions (any problems lately, etc.) but he seemed very rushed.  Then he began the exam. He rushed through the whole thing, never telling me what was going to happen, and just being overall very rough.


    At the sight of all these memories, I broke down in tears. Ashton came running over at the sight of me. He embraced me in a huge hug, and I cried, shaking, into his chest. With soft words by him, I composed myself. At this point, he told me to hop up on the bed, and with his help I did.

"Grace, don't worry. I will never hurt you, I'm going to go very slowly and if you're scared, just stop me"

   With tears brimming, I gave him the go-ahead to begin. He started by just listening to my heartbeat. He warmed up the stethoscope in his palms first, so it wouldn't be as cold. The deep breaths I took began to relax me, although he said my heartbeat was very rapid.

    After listening to my heart, he took out his otoscope and began to look in my ears. I winced as it went in, and immediately just fell apart again. Ash stopped, held me tight, and waited till I had calmed down again. He began using the otoscope and looked in my ears, eyes, nose, and throat.

    I knew what was coming after this. When he told me to lie down, I immediately began to refuse.

"Ash, I'm fine. I promise you, I am healthy."

"Grace, here. Take your blanket, cover your eyes, and it will all be over" Ash said while passing me my blanket.

    I lay down, and did exactly what Ash told me to do. I sobbed quietly the whole time he was palpating my stomach. Eventually, he stopped. He sat me up, and told me everything was fine. And then, I swear my heart stopped.

"Gracie, sweetheart, we need to do a blood test because it's been a while since you've been here".

"NOPE, I'm leaving. I'm not doing this, you just said I was fine".

    I started packing up my things to leave. I was almost out the door when Ash grabbed me, and pulled me into his arms. Feeling safe in his arms, the waterworks began again: "I'm such a baby. I never had problems, I was always perfectly fine at the doctor"

"Grace, it's okay to be scared, I know what happened when you were younger. You don't need to feel this way; I'm going to help you through."

    I let Ash take control of me, as I fell helpless in his arms. He picked me back up, and placed me on the table. He came over with my blanket, and told me to relax. I laid my arm flat down on the table, and he came over with the needle and the container to collect my blood. As he put the alcohol pad on to clean it off, tears began flowing again. Running his fingers through my hair, he told me everything was going to be okay. I let him place the needle in my arm, and breathed a huge sigh of relief when everything was over.

"Thank you Ashton."

"For what?"

"For helping me through all this, and understanding me"

"Gracie, I want the world for you, and this is the least I can do."

    With that, he pulled me into a huge hug, and began to kiss me. For the first time all day, I hugged him back and smiled. I can finally breathe again, and happy. I know Ash is always going to protect me, and I found myself a new doctor. He makes me the happiest.

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