Imagine for amcl_5sos

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Grace's POV

    Most girls say that their boyfriends make them the happiest person alive. That's a lie. I know that because I am the happiest person alive, thanks to Ash. We were high school sweethearts. He was a senior, and I was a junior and the rest was history. I'm two year out of high school, in college studying to be a music teacher, and he's in college studying to be a pediatrician, while also working as an EMT.

    I was always good with doctors, and never scared. But, sophomore year everything changed. My regular doctor was out, and my doctor for the day was just rough, and not caring. Since then, my anxiety about doctors skyrocketed. I love Ash, but I can't be around him in his lab coat. He doesn't know about my fear, because I know that he can't help me. He can tell me it was one doctor, or that he's different but I can't. I haven't been to the doctor since senior year, when I needed a physical for soccer. That was a horrible day. I had my regular doctor, but I was ballistic. It took much coaxing from her in order for her to even be able to touch me. But that's a whole different story.

   Today started off like any other day would. I woke up, had breakfast with Ash, and then went to class. After class, my friend Michael and I went bike riding. My bike hit a rock, and I ended up flipping over. My lip started gushing blood, and I couldn't move my leg. I burst out into tears: "No. No... no... this can't be happening". Michael jumped off his bike and tried to look ay my leg: "NO, do not touch me. Please just call Ashton".


A-    Hey, what's up? Is there a call we need to go on?

M- No. It's Grace, she fell off her bike when we were riding and she wants you.

A-    Where are you?

M- Outside the dining hall.

A-    I'll be right there.

    Michael sat down next to me and told me that Ash was coming. My heart was racing. I knew I would have to tell Ash what was going on, and my fear. All fears subsided when I saw Ashton running down the street with a smile on his face that said, "Everything will be okay".

   Much like Michael, Ash sat down and tried to look at my leg. He stopped immediately when I started screaming bloody murder.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Ash asked me.

I responded with "Nothing, it just really hurts"

    He clearly did not believe my lie. With tears streaming down my face, I whispered into his ear that I was scared. He began to rub my shoulders, which he knew always calmed me down. Once I calmed down a bit, I told him about sophomore year. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he said: "Why didn't you tell me, I could've helped you."

"NO, you can't help me, that's why I didn't tell you" I screamed at him.

"Listen to me, I know you're scared, and upset, and maybe angry, but we need to go to the hospital, you're losing a lot of blood". Ashton told me.

    Without waiting for my reaction, he picked me up and brought me to the University health center where him and Michael could get an ambulance. The whole way there, I just laid limp in his arms, bawling my eyes out.

    Once we were in the ambulance, Ash took my hands, looked into my eyes and started pecking my face with kisses. He did everything he could to try to calm me down. I have to admit that it worked a little bit. I was still shaking, but my heart wasn't racing as much.

    Upon arrival at the hospital, Michael got started on my stitches. Ash held me while I sobbed, and whispered soothing words into my ear. After the stitches were over, they looked at my leg. I was squirming, and screaming. I didn't want any of the doctors to come near me

"Baby, how can I help you?" Ashton asked me.

"Please, I just want to be alone with you." I responded to him.

    Ashton asked the doctors to leave for a few minutes. He pulled my head into his shoulder, and we just cuddled. He told me that no one would ever hurt me, and that he would be right there. I didn't fully believe him, but I calmed down enough.

    When the doctors came back in, I let them look at my leg, and use the portable X-ray machine. Heck, I let them stick needles in my leg, and put the cast on. Ashton was so supportive. He held me, and kissed me, and did everything he could to help me.

    Finally, we were allowed to leave the hospital.

"Babe, if you're that scared, how long has it been since you've had a physical" Ash asked me.

"Unimportant" I told him

"Babe, how long?" He asked sternly.

"Umm, about 2 years".

"You're coming to the clinic for a check-up" He told me.

    But that's a different story. I am so lucky to have such an incredible guy. I am the happiest girl alive.

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