Chapter 6

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Gaz and Dib were sitting with their father at Bloaty's Pizza Hog as their pizza arrived. Sadly Professor Membrain was trying to get off the phone the entire time that they were at the restaurant.

When he was able to get off, he asked, "So how is skool going for you kids. I saw that you're a straight A student, Gaz. I trust that your classes are going well?"

"Yes, Dad."

"Excellent! But, Son, I'm disappointed in yours. Bs? Why Bs? You were a straight A student like Gaz just last week."

"They hate it when I talk about paranormal stuff, Dad. My grades are flawless."

"Have you ever considered becoming a real scientist? It would help you in school."

"Dad, we've been over this before," he said as he took another bite of pizza.

"It's not too late to try again to do real science."

That's when Gaz saw him. Zim walked into the restaurant, but he wasn't alone. He had someone with him. She had green skin like him, but her false eyes weren't colored blue, instead, it was a shade of brown like her's. She thought nothing of it. She was going to enjoy the time that she had with the professor when she had the time.

But Dib tapped her shoulder. "Who's the alien that's sitting with Zim?"

"Oh?" asked the professor, "there’s another exchange student in your class?"

"Dad, how many more times do I have to say it? Zim is a pure blooded alien. He's not from a foreign country."

"I doubt that. Aliens don't excise, Dib."

"Nevermind," Dib sighed as he took another bite of pizza as Gaz smirked.

They continued to eat and talk until Zim started yelling and ran for the male restroom.

"Dad, did you see that? What kind of human would do that over a simple glass of water?"

Gaz grabbed his wrist and squeezed it tightly. "Shut up or I'll break your wrist."

Dib grabbed her wrist with his other hand. "What if I told him your secret?"

Gaz's wrist stung. She didn't want her father to know about this, so she let go of her older brother’s wrist. He let go of hers.

She glared at him till she decided to turn her attention to the girl that Zim had accompanied. She looked sad, like little child "I spilled the milk" sad. There waiter was cleaning up the spilled mess. But it wasn't her emotional features that had caught her attention this time, it was the way her hair was like. No two people in this miserable town had the same hair color and exact look. Not even her father and brother.

But her hair was as dark a black as Zim's stupid wig. Her hairstyle was like hers but as if it was drenched. And the leds color she couldn't start to explain.

When the waiter left, the green girl banged her head on the table with shame and left it there as she was trying not to show that she had antias.

That's when she decided. To get her questions answered, she would have to get the alien alone for an interaction session. When Zim came back with an angered face, the girl started to stuff her mouth to not have to talk to him.

That was the last she paid attention to either foreigner for the remained of the time at the restaurant.

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