Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

One Month Later on Earth

It was begining November as Zim was sitting outside of the hi skool during lunch under a tree trying to enjoy the silence till the sun was blocked. He opened one eye and saw Gaz. "You desided you kill me now, Gaz?"

"No, Zim," she said as she took the spot next to him. "I was actully thinking that I may finally be over what happened."

Zim looked over at her with a questioning look. "What are you saying," he asked as he sat up.

"I want to try dating you."

Zim looked the other direction.

"What's wrong, I thought you liked me," Gaz questioned.

Zim turned his gaze to her. "It's too quiet around here now. I never thought that would miss someone."

Gaz sughed. "Fin?"

He nodded "Do you miss her too?" Zim asked.

"Sometimes," Gaz admitted after a moment. "I didn't know her as well as you."

Zim gave a small nod. "So you want to go on a date?" He asked her.

Gaz gave a small nod.

"Alright," he said as he leaned against the tree. I'll pick you up Friday at your house at six."

"Where are we going?" Gaz asked.

"It's a surprise. You'll like it," Zim tryed to asure her.

Gaz shook her head. "It better not be another kid, Zim."

"It's not, Gaz. I promise."

Gaz stared at him for a second before getting up to leave. "Alright, Zim. I'll see you Friday."

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