Chapter Seventeen:New Relationships (Ryan's POV)

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  • Dedicated to Hannah Spinks (best friend)

  Watch out-sexual humor. I'll warn you. Dirty boy's mind, so pretty bad.

     I smiled at Abe as he cuddled Aza close. She had fallen asleep while watching The Hills Have Eyes. He smiled down at her, his eyes tender and soft. She cuddled into his chest, knowing it was him even when sleeping. I felt a pang in my chest. I was jealous. Why had Abe the love hater gotten his mate? Hannah snorted and I glanced at her. She was gorgeous, curly  blond-brown hair that flowed wildly down past her shoulders, a thin build, and fierce hazel eyes that pierced your soul.

    "What?" I asked her, cocking my head ina way she said made me look like a puppy. She smirked.

    "Aza always says that when the girl dies it's sad. I think as long as it killed him, who cares?" She murmured. I gazed at her mouth for a second, and then looked into her eyes.

    "I always thought the same thing. Abe agrees with Aza. That's why he's alpha, not me. He's more compassionate." I replied. She rolled her eyes and nodded. She stood slowly, and I could see the lean muscles flexing. I am fucking crazy. She's pretty, but nothing to lose your marbles over. 'You keep thinking that.' My wolf grumbled. Shut up. Yeah, I am insane, I am just told myself to shut up. That's a great sign.

    "I am going Ryan. Have a nice night." With that Abe made his departure. I turned my attention back to Hannah.

    "I am putting on my pjs, drinking some hot chocolate, and grabbing a book. If you wanna talk, get dressed for bed and meet me. KNOCK FIRST!" she said firmly. I sneered and nodded. Her green and gold flecked eyes narrowed. "I will rip your balls off, so don't try me." I nearly laughed at how she phrased that. She heard me and though back to what she said. "I didn't mean that way, you asshole." I let out gasping laughter at that. She glowered at me and wacked me solidly against hte head. 'She hit me. Why she hit me?' She turned away. 'Come back!' Stupid boy, get her.'

    I headed to my room and quickly stripped. I searched for a pair of shorts. After managing to get a pair of boxers stuck in the basketball hoop on the back of the door, I found a pair of pj bottoms. The ones with skulls on it of course. They had the words 'Death By Girl' on them. My sister got them for me and told my mother to bury me in them. I huffed quietly and turned to find a clean pair of boxers. I didn't have any. My mom had probably done laundry today. Shit!

Starting now - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    I carefully opened the door to my room, planning on sneaking to the laundry room. It didn't work. Hannah hadn't told me she was just putting on pants. She was in the hallway. Right where I was running through. I smashed into her. She gasped and smacked hard into the carpet. "You moron!" She screamed. "Motherfuck-" That's when she noticed I was naked.

    Her jaw dropped and her cheeks turned bright pink. She automatically started to cover her eyes, but not before I saw her looking down swiftly. I could feel my ego getting bigger. Thankfully that was all that was getting bigger. "So what, you think Abe's is better than mine?" Her eyes were big as plates, her mouth hanging open.

    "You know about that?" She asked, seeming mortified. She was still sneaking glances. Stare a little longer chica, you might have something to look at. Or suck on. I snorted at that, but my wolf liked the idea. Of course he would. Dogs hump people if you don't neuter them. Even if that person was a dude.

    "Yeah, what else do you girls do? Talk about ball size? I thought guys compare that stuff, but apparently girls chat about it behind the boyfriend's back."

    "Well duh. Can't have a guy with a small dick. Why do you think so many short dudes get dumped?" I nodded absently. There was a bit of a breeze where I didn't want it to be.

    "I gotta go, it's a bit...cold in here." She raised an eyebrow and nodded. I stood and ran down the hall. As I pulled on boxers I could've sworn I heard her grumble something that sounded suspiciously like, "I thought the cold made them small." I nearly cracked up. I walked back out. She had disappeared. Good. I can get a phone that has 911 on speedial for when she breaks my jaw with a frying pan.

It's over guys. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I found her sitting on her bed (my bed, she had claimed it, I slept on the couch) reading a book. She watched me as I walked over. Suprisingly she didn't hit me. I took a closer look at her face. For the first time I saw the dark circled under her eyes. She was exhausted. "Ryan, can you stay?" She asked. I nearly cried at how tired she sounded.

    "Yeah. Why are you not mad?"

    "You only did it because you were self-conscious" I gazed at her, letting my eyes smolder. She yawned.

    "Come here, hon." I whispered. She curled up in my grip, to tired and weary to care. I flipped off the light, and struggled to sleep. My wolf was calm for once, his fur flat and his tail wagging slightly. I spooned against her back and listened to her slow breathing. It sooned lulled me to sleep. 'She is mine. My one.' 

I was not totally there when I wrote this, so if you hate it, just tell me, I'll change it. The bold and bold/italics work for ryan the same as it worked for abe.

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