Chapter Nine:Nightly Visits (Split POVs)

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  • Dedicated to Teresa Robertson (My Mom)

Aza's POV                                                   Dear Diary,

    Several weeks has passed since I had befriended the wolf I named Abe. Every night he came to me and I poured my heart out to him. I had a lot to tell him. Ever since I had smarted off to Angie, she had become cold and cruel. I was confined to my room (Angie took my things so I couldn't redecorate), no friends are allowed (she spread rumors so that no one will talk to me), and I'm not allowed to get a job (she makes me cook and clean).

    I am completely miserable. Not to mention Bad Boy (human Abe) is acting weird. Every time Jake or Hunter go near me, Abe is there saying that he's with me, but then he disappears. I don't understand what is going on but it worries me. But as long as Wolf Abe is there I will be okay. I know it. He gives me strength and hope.

                                                                    Love Aza

    I felt warmth press into my side. I turned and gazed at the dark brown wolf cuddled there. His fur was softer than a cloud, and his eyes warm and gentle. I sighed softly. This was the only time I felt contentment. At night on my bed with a wolf the size of the matress curled up with me. I stroked my fingers through his silky fur. He rumbled softly. It was somewhere between a growl and a purr. I thought it was adorable.

    I could tell sleep was not going to come easy tonight. I leaned carefully over the wolf, grabbing Crown Duel from the bedside table. Abe purred again. I had a habbit of reading my favorite books to him. He actually seemed to enjoy it. I pet him absently as I searched for my page. After ten minutes of searching, petting, and  purring wolf, I found my page.

    I began to read about Meliara Aistar and her brother Bran's war plots and struggles. Abe snuggled into the bed shutting his baseball sized eyes. Soon little snores tumbled from his mouth. I had heard that dogs snored but I didn't know wolves did. He looked like a tiny puppy really.

    You always think of wolves as being majestic and strong, not running and whining in their sleep. But that's exactly what he did. But instead of asking him, 'Are you chasing a rabbit?', you ask 'Are you killing an elk?' So he's more like a tiny lethal puppy. Oh well, he has never acted lethal to me. I read for about an hour longer before my eyelids started to droop. I fell asleep with thoughts of wars and evil kings. 

Abe's POV

    I woke an hour before I needed to leave her home. She was curled into a tight ball, cuddled against my chest. I smiled. She was comfortable with me even when I was a beast. Literally. Her book was lying across her stomach. I tenderly gripped it in my powerful jaws and placed it on the table.  I knew trying to turn off the lamp would be a wasted effort seeing as I didn't have thumbs, so I lay back down and tried to go back to sleep.

    My wolf wouldn't let me. 'Bad feelings. Danger. Mate, must protect. Nobody hurt Mate' For once I agreed with him.  I listened closer to my surroundings. Noise came from Jake's room. I tuned in, straining to hear the slightest sound.

    "We'll do it this week. Hunter, do you understand? We need to be ready." Jacob said quietly. 'Kill him, he hurt her. Nobody allowed hurt her. Must tear him, watch the blood pour.' Again I agreed. 

    "I get it Jacob, I will be ready. I want it as much as you. Can I sleep now?" Hunter grumbled. I could tell they were talking on the phone.

    "Okay, bye." Jacob muttered. I bit back a snarl. I put my head down on my paws. I was going to double the guard and have longer perimeter patrols. Nothing was going to happen to her. Not as long as I live and breath.

How was it? Oh, and I promise the attack is happening soon. I'll try to make it good, but it has never happened to me or anyone I know (thank God). Thanks for your support guys!

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