They say love is blind

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This will be a shark x reader peps so hope y'all like it remember vote and comment

Sharks pov
"Y/n watch what your *smash* ugh doing" I couldn't help but smile at my little clumsy friend as she knocked over my cd selection on my night stand "oops haha sorry reg totally forgot those were there" she replied sheepishly "whatever you klutz just sit on my bed I'll do it","no I can do it and I'm not a klutz ok I can handle things on my own" she replied standing up proud of herself that's why I love this girl she's so confident and strong but will I tell her that? someday maybe "yeah sure y/n whatever you say" I got up and stacked all my CDs up again but I noticed I missed one I went to pick it up but y/n beat me to it but I was already half way into picking it up so when she came back up we were face to face her grey eyes steering right back into my deep blue ones I put my hand on one side of her cheek but as we were at nose touching distance she asked "shark what are you doing" the look on her face was complete and utter confusion that's when I remembered she doesn't know what I'm doing and it hurts.....a lot.

I gave out a sad sign and stood back up grabbing her hand pulling her up "nothing y/n you just had something on your face is all" she blushed a little and looked away with embarrassment "dam it I hate it when that happens" she replied I looked at my door and saw rio standing there she gave me a sad smile and that's when I knew she saw that whole thing you see rio knows about my 'undying love' for y/n she's known for a while so when she sees things like this happen I know she can't help but feel sorry for me she knows that when I try to show y/n how much I love her and she doesn't react not one single bit how hurt I feel I guess it's that twin thing you know oh wait you guys might be a little confuse well let me fill you in my best friend y/n and one true love is utterly and completely.........BLIND and when I say blind I mean legally BLIND.

so yea she's blind but that doesn't change how much I love and care for her even though she can't see me she always knows if I'm feeling down or upset and she try's to help me feel better so I just don't understand why she can't tell how much I love her the same way she can tell if I'm upset or not I got knocked out of my thoughts when y/n started talking to me

"Hey reg can you sing me a song please" she asked whilst laying on my bed she looked so cute sprawled out on my bed with my jacket over her covering her with the warmth she needs but when that question came back to me I had an idea if I can't show her or directly tell her then I'll just let her know the one way I know she loves me telling her things by and that's singing "of course I will y/n when have I never" she let out a giggle which I found louring 'man I'm soo whipped' I thought.

I grabbed my guitar and she sat up her back against the bed rest with her eyes closed as I strummed a few chords "y/n this song goes out to you your not only my best friend but so much more so I hope you like it" I saw her give a small smile as I said those words "go on sharky impress me" she replied I couldn't help but chuckle "don't worry I will" I joined her and sat next to her on my bed facing her as I had to think of something to get the song started so I thought back to when I helped her up just then and the way her hand was in mine and how right it felt and how perfect it fit in with mine that's when I started to sing letting loose and letting the song take control

(Play song little things by 1d)

After I finished playing I took a look at her to see her eyes widen mouth a gape I took on the sight of her lips they looked so soft I stared leaning in and as I was just inches from her face I said "y/n" she must have felt the short distance between us because I saw her stiffen abut "yea reg" "I love you" and with that I closed the gape between us pressing my lips against hers I don't care if she's blind and can't see because you know what people say


There you guys go three updates in one day how's that for ya hope you liked them all this one was just a spur in the moment kind of thing but I do believe any one can find love wether blind or not so don't worry everyone's got a match out there somewhere ha I kinda feel like Cupid <3 any way till next time see ya ;)

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