(because im creative)Part 2

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Dave's POV

crap crap crap crap! You slide around pathetically in the grass trying to get at an angle where you can grab your shades with one hand while still covering your eyes. 

"Dave?" john asked. 

Oh man john was way cuter than you imagined. From what you gathered, before he tackled you, John is skinny, has black wavy hair that is swept up, bright blue eyes behind, dorky rectangular glasses, and a cute, slight overbite. You want to take a better look at him, but you really don't want him to see your eyes. 

"oh jeez Dave, did I hit you in the eye?"  John asks worriedly, aww even his voice is dorky

"oh, uh.... no, I'm fine" you say awkwardly, wow its harder to mask your feelings when you aren't behind a computer.

"ok" John reply's, getting off you. 

as soon as his weight leaves you, you dive for your shades. once you have slipped them back on you let out an unintentional sigh of relief. whoops. John gives you a questioning look but says nothing.

"So" John states "you still havent told me how or why youre here dave." 

You examine John. 

"well maybe i wanted to see you" you say seductively, leaning a bit closer. 

You want to kiss John, he's just standing there being really cute and oblivious, and you just really want to but-

"seriously Dave!" John exclaims

"ok, ok" you say, giving in.

"first lets go inside, its still freezing, and i haven't eaten all day."

"okaaaayyyy" John sighs, leading you inside.

You follow John into his house, you have been sitting out here freezing your ass off for half an hour waiting for that nerd to respond. You slide your hand into your pocket, discreetly checking your phone. Another 30 texts and 10 missed calls from bro. You sigh, shutting off your phone and slipping it back into your pocket, finally getting to enter the home of John Egbert. 

"so this is my house" John turns to you as you enter, gesturing to his kitchen. 

"no really?" you say sarcastically

"yep, you are officially in the Egbert residence, I'm going to make some waffles that aren't Betty Crocker, and you can tell me all about the fantastical reason for your unexpected, but very pleasant arrival."

"sounds good" you agree, leaning on John's table.

"hey, you have any apple juice?"

"um yeah i think we- Hey! tell your story!" 

"alright fine, Bro and I had a fight. I had some money put away and no place to crash so I though'hey wouldn't it be great to finally meet John?' so I took a few buses here, and voila, here I am. Oh and you know, there's  not really internet on crappy buses so....."

"wow" John said "So things are still bad with your brother?"

"I wouldn't know, I haven't talked to him since our fight"

"What?" John says surprised "Dave he's probably really worried about you! You need to call him!"

"nah, he'll just make me come back, I just got here, he hasn't heard from me in weeks, a few more hours wont hurt." You say, closing the matter. 

John shuffles uncomfortably but doesn't say anything else. There is an awkward silence for a few moments but then the overwhelming odor  of something burning fills your nose. Both you and John look over to the waffle press where smoke and waffle batter is pouring out.

"oh no!" John cries, unplugging the waffle press and flipping the cover open.

 Even more steam  billows out right into John's eyes, fogging his glasses and giving them a slightly black tint. You rush over to John, he's coughing from too much smoke inhalation so you pull away from the steady cloud and open the door and windows before the smoke alarms go off. Too late you think as the ear piercing cry of the smoke detectors go off. With the steady cry of the smoke detectors as your background music, you pull john out of his house and run back inside, there is a lot of smoke for two waffles, that's when you realize, despite the cord being pulled, the waffles are on fire. You have dealt with more often you should have, but now your instincts come in handy. You look through the cupboards trying to find some baking soda, alas, you know not of the kitchen's set up and just fumble through various kitchen items. You give up on the baking soda, coughing violently you take the kitchen hose and douse the fire in one swift spray. The smoke still lingers and your eyes are burning, you abscond from the house and  take a deep breath of the fresh march air. John is sitting in the grass, slightly dazed. 

"So" he says "you've dealt with a few fires before" John sort of asks and states at the same time.

"that's an understatement, but yeah."

You and John both go back inside the house after a bit of the smoke has cleared and clean up the mess. You tell john you aren't really hungry anymore, which is a complete lie you are famished, but you figure you've had enough disasters for one day. John suggests a tour of his house, you agree, exited to see the rest of the house you've been staring at for a half hour. John leads you to the living room, then up the stairs. He shows you the bathroom but doesn't show you the room on the end. When you ask he says its his dad's room. You decide not to push into showing you. Finally you get to the room you've been waiting for; John's room. As he opens the door your chest tightens with anticipation. You walk into John's room. There are Nick Cage movie posters everywhere, his computer, his bed, and a magic box.  

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