Part 4

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Bro's POV

You gaze out the window into the city, normally you would admire the horizon of bright lights against the dark skyline but-


That kid, he just disappeared. No note, no texts, and he wont answer his phone! You hope the little mans ok. You, you don't even want to think about what he might be doing right now....if he's even alive. God no. You cant think about that, you wont. Dave is ok, he can handle himself, he's ok. That's what you've been telling yourself for the past week, yet the nightmares just get worse. That is when you even fall asleep at all. You pace the room, asking yourself for the millionth time where Dave could be.  You've talked to the police a lot, but they seem to think Dave's never coming home, but even if he is you doubt he'd be able to stay with you. You walk down the hallway to get some more apple walk by Dave's room, the door cracked open. Your eyes water, You've cried more today than you have in three years. Suddenly you find yourself in Dave's room, just the way he left it. You look around, his computer still holds the file of his unfinished comic. You've read it at least 413 times, for anything that could clue to where Dave went and why... but there was nothing. Wherever he went, he didn't want you to know. You guess you guys haven't had the best relationship, you try to show him compassion, but you also want to make him tough. You don't want the world to hurt Dave, you want to protect him. You know you wont always be able to be there for him so you need him to be able to handle himself. 

you pick a Game Bro Magazine , its the last issue Dave read before he left. Oh and why did he leave, you're not certain but you know its your fault. You got into a big fight right before he left and the chances of that being a coincidence are extremely slim. God you should have done something different. You should have talked to him later, when he would have had time to cool off. This never would have happened if it wasn't for you! and now even if he comes home, you're going to loose him. A social worker came by the other day and explained the whole thing. Dave would be placed in foster care and you would get no visitation, she had explained how it was an unhealthy environment or a child to grow up in and Dave disappearing was just more proof that you aren't fit to raise a child. She's right though, you've failed as a guardian, you failed as a parent, but worst if all, you failed to be the brother Dave needed.

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