Part 5 (this story is not dead!)

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//I have changed the date on this story, Dave and John are now both 15. That is all, continue//

Dave's POV

You close the door to the bathroom. Once it's locked you lean against the wall and slide to the floor. You sigh, that was a close save. What were you thinking holding Egbert's hand? He's told you time and time again he isn't a homosexual. It's like he knows how you feel and is trying to subtly tell you he isn't interested, or maybe you're overthinking it.....

My little ponyyyyyy!

Ahhh ahhh ahhh

(my little pony

I used to wonder what friendship could be!

(my little pony)

Until you shared it's magic with me!

You look down at your phone, Bro is calling you. You can't help cracking a smile at his ironic ringtone. Then a lump of guilt rises to your throat and your smile drops. You haven't let your bro know anything. You just ran off after your fight. You're kind of regretting not leaving an ironic note or- You've got it! You open the work in progress of the latest sweet bro and Hella Jeff comic. You scribble some extra things into it, then publish it. "Perfect" you think, a weight lifting off your shoulders. You slip your phone in your pocket, flush the toilet, and exit the bathroom. You head over to Egderp, who has sprawled himself on his bed and pushed his glasses off his head. Apparently he didn't hear you leave the bathroom so you creep up on him and snatch the glasses off his bed. Placing them over your shades you do a double take. 

"geez egderp, you're blind" You say trying to see through blurry lenses.

John sits up, he feels around for his glasses then he squints up at you.

"Dave" he asks 
"Do you, by any chance, have my glasses?"

You grin at him, adjusting his glasses.


"are you going to give them back" he inquires

"Only for you egderp" You say smiling and putting his glasses back on his eyes. He blinks, looking up at you and blushing. Your cheeks get warm as you both look at each other. The silence seems to go on forever as you both blush furiously into each other's eyes. John is about to say something when his door comes flying open. Who you assume, based on the fedora and pipe, is John's dad stands in the doorway. 

"John, I did't know we were going to have company" John's dad says casually, as if John has random unannounced guys in his room all the time. 

"Though I'm not sure this young man is a friend of your's I've met." John's dad nods toward you

"Oh, uh yeah" John stutters at his dad's unexpected arrival. 

"Dad this is Dave, my online friend. He um, just dropped in."

"Nice to meet you Dave, I'm Mr. Egbert" He says extending his hand for a handshake

"Sup" you say, Fist bumping him instead

"So Dave, from what I've heard You're from Texas."


"Might I inquire what occasion it is that would have you take the trip here?"

"My brother and I got into a fight, so I thought I'd take a trip to see my good pal John."

"You came up here by yourself?"

"uh huh"

"John tells me your brother takes care of you, so he knows you're here, right?"

"um, I've sort of alluded to it, yeah."

"Well I don't want to intrude on your relationship with your brother Dave, but maybe you could call him so he doesn't worry?"

You shift uncomfortably on the bed. After a lasting silence Mr. Egbert mercifully breaks it.

"Dave" he says carefully

"If you feel uncomfortable calling your brother, perhaps you could give me his number, and I'll let him know where you are."

"yeah, that's fine" you mumble awkwardly as you give him Bro's number

"Um, thanks" you say as Mr. Egbert leaves

"It's no problem Dave"
" Well, While I'm up here, what do you boys want for dinner?"

"Can we order Pizza?" Asks John, he gives you a knowing smile

"Sure, as long as Dave wants pizza too" John's dad replies, looking at you

"yeah" you say returning John's smile "Pizza'd be great"

"OK, as long as we're ordering, what do you boys want to drink?"

"apple juice" you and John both say at once, still smiling

"Alright, I'll call you when it gets here." and with that he left the room, leaving you and John alone again.

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