Chapter 4: Hiccuping Mess

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Chapter 4

Hiccuping Mess

The next day Rosalie called her boss, Marley, and told him that she didn't feel well, and that she wouldn't be in today. it helped that Rosalie's voice was sleepy and hoarse, from her lack of sleep. She knew this meeting would make or break her future in this small English town.

her brother smiled softly at her, as the pair made their way into the forest just behind their house. In their hands were changes of clothes, as they knew Alpha's always requested they shift for the greeting. Rosalie looked at the dark forests and she weirdly felt at home wandering through them, until she was lost. She sighed, and looked back down at her feet.

"Good morning", a gruff voice, and Rosalie's eyes widened. "I see you have brought along a girl, what's her name?", he asked, and Rosalie felt Benjamin tense, she softly grasped his hand, and gave it a light squeeze. "Rosalie", he stated, as he looked down at his sister. The Alpha nodded, and turned his gaze to Rosalie, "And what is she to you?", he asked, Benjamin tensed even more, if that was physically possible, and in a strained voice he responded, "My sister", to which the Alpha once again nodded.

The group stood in silence, and Rosalie felt weirdly jumpy, her urge to run and play was curling up to her mind, even though she desperately pushed it down. "Shift!", the Alpha commanded, his Alpha tone, making all his men begin the shifting process as well. He too bent over and began the shifting process, as if his command had affected him as well.

She felt herself hunch over and her bones rapidly broke, until she stood on four paws, instead of her two  fee. Her fur was a dark grey, that resembled black, and that was when she smelt it. A woodsy scent, that smelt too masculine. She felt her wolf stir.

She looked up, and that's when she realised. A dark, dark brown wolf stood in front of her. His eyes fixed on her, and his head held high.



Rosalie couldn't believe it, as the pair continued to stare at her. She heard her brother yap, and she instinctively turned to make sure he was alright.

The Alpha came closer, and before anything he examined Benjamin, who as a little squeamish, but yet still. Then he turned to Rosalie. He sniffed her, he brushed his fur to her's. She let out a soft purr, that didn't go unnoticed by the Alpha, who let out a small whine. She snorted, and shook her head. He growled softly, and she could almost hear her brother's pleading to no it mess it up.

She sighed, and let him continue his examination. He sniffed her neck, an intimate gesture shown by two mated wolves. He let out yet another low growl, that no one seemed to hear. Rosalie shuddered.

Soon the Alpha reluctantly walked back towards his spot, and began shifting. He rose fully naked, and turned his attention back to Rosalie. "Shift!", he commanded, and Rosalie felt herself complying. Her bones breaking. Soon she stood fully nude in front of the others. Being a shifter, nudity wasn't that big of a problem. The Alpha stared down at the pair of unknown shifters, and sighed. His troops that he had brought along with him, seemed to be licking their fingers, waiting for their Alpha to order the death of this girl and her brother.

But that didn't happen, and instead he said a few words that neither Rosalie nor his pack mates were expecting, "The two of you may join our pack", one of the especially malicious looking pack mates chocked on his spit, and stared dumbstruck at the trio that stood in front of him. "The blood exchange ceremony will be held in two weeks", he stated, and Rosalie sucked in a breath. "I expect you both to be there, or else I might reconsider my decision", he looked back at his dumbstruck pack mates and glared, "what are you all staring at?", he asked, and the few of them snapped back to reality.

Their backs straightened out and their faces showed fear, "N-nothing Alpha", said one, and Rosalie had a sudden urge to laugh, and though she tried to restrain it, a small almost inaudible giggle escaped her lips.


The Alpha seemed to have heard it, and at that moments he turned to face Rosalie with a risen eyebrow. She pursed her lip, and bit her lower lip tightly. He still stared, in an almost haze. To make things worse, Rosalie's body seemed desperate to embarrass her. And this was when she started to hiccup. One high pitched hiccup after the next, this caused her brother to turn to her, his face trying to hide his amusement. "Sorry", she said, in between hiccups, and her brother managed a soft laugh.

The Alpha and his pack members still stared at the two giggling/hiccuping people before them. This was when the big bad Alpha decided to surprise them once again, and smile. An almost face breaking smile, so wide that Rosalie saw not one but two dimples pop into his otherwise smooth cheeks. This made her smile wider.

"We should get going", her brother said, as he smiled down at his sister, "I need to get this nut a glass of water", he stated, looking back towards the Alpha with his smile still evident. "We shall see you all in two weeks", he said, and the Alpha's smile slowly left his face, dimples went along with it. And Rosalie couldn't help, but miss them. "Come one Rosie", said her brother, and with one last glance at the now static Alpha, she sped after her brother. With a sudden sense of loneliness.


This isn't that long sorry....but it's still interning right?

He's her mate, she his mate..yayayayayayay! Not really...


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