Chapter 5: Bloody Exchange

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Chapter 5

Bloody Exchange

It had been two weeks since her encounter with her so called mate, and she still had not spilled the beans to her brother, nor her best friend. But she didn't want them to hate her, she didn't want them to suddenly treat her any different. Her best friend was apart of the Alph's pack, and from what she had heard this mate of her's wasn't all that nice.

She looked down at the white dress she wore, and sighed. It was apparently customary for a woman who had yet to be mated, to wear white in the blood exchange ceremony. Her brother who had found his mate, was to wear black.

Rosalie looked up, and ahead at the massive house that came to view. Though it was obvious that the Alpha did not live here, she still couldn't help, but imagine her life in this pack. She hadn't been in a pack since she was very young, and even that she could hardly remember.

She watched as her brother straightened out his suit, and she smoothened out her skirt. "Shall we go?", asked her brother, as they neared the doors. Rosalie looked towards him, with her eyes wide, "We shall", she said with a goofy smile, he laughed, and the pair walked into the great hall.

Everyone's eyes seemed to be on them. Rosalie felt extremely violated.

What were they staring at her?

Was her dress not nice enough?

Suddenly someone cleared their throat, and  as Rosalie looked up she noticed a man, about the same height as her brother, standing above them. He had a young face and didn't have much stubble, and in Rosalie's opinion he looked like a cuddly bear. This caused Rosalie to smile a bit.

"That is no way to treat our soon to be family", he stated, as he descended down the marble stairs. Rosalie saw that he was wearing white, the colour of purity. He was unmated.

Rosalie gulped and stood up a tad bit straighter, as the man made his way over to them, "Hello welcome, I am Beta Sander", he introduced and Rosalie smiled, "Rosalie", she stated, as she curtsied, he bowed in response. "Lovely to meet you Rosalie", he stated, his grin matching her own. Her brother smiled softly, and said, "Benjamin", with a bow, to which the Beta bowed in response, and said,
"Well it's lovely to meet you both", he stated, as he led them through the crowd, "don't worry about the staring not many people have joined our pack this way", he stated. And Rosalie was left to ponder what on earth that was supposed to mean.

"Alpha", the Beta greeted, as he came to a stop in front of a higher podium. The Alpha looked the same as she remembered, but there was something that caught her attention, he was wearing black. he was mated.

She could hear her wolf cry out in pain, and she clenched her jaw. "The ceremony will now begin!", the Alpha stated, as he locked eyes with her. "I would like to call up Benjamin, to make his oath", he said, and Benjamin nodded, giving his sister a quick glance he made his way up the steps.

Everyone had their eyes on him. Watching his every move, like a hawk eyeing its' prey. Rosalie clenched her fists as she saw the Alpha pull out a small blade. Benjamin made his way over there as he should, and as the Alpha asked for his hand, he was quick to oblige.

Rosalie watched as the Alpha cut a small wound in her brother's skin, and then moved onto his. After the pair of them had two almost identical cuts, the Alpha gripped Benjamin's hand in his. And Benjamin gasped, it was soft, and should have not been heard, but Benjamin had never been bounded with a pack before, he was born into one.

Benjamin slowly nodded, at the Alpha and moved on to recite his oath, "I Benjamin Mal Benson, swear that I will stay loyal and true to this pack, the Redwood pack, that I now call my own", said he, and Rosalie noted down his words in her head.

Benjamin slowly receiving a curt nod from the Alpha, stepped down the steps, still shuddering. Rosalie's eyes widened, as the Alpha locked eyes with her's. She gulped almost audibly, and took a few tentative steps to the stage.

When she successfully climbed the steps, and stood somewhat close to the Alpha, she tensed. The Alpha had pulled out the knife, and it looked more like a murder weapon that anything else. Dripping with both the the Alpha's and her brother's blood. The Alpha seemed to notice her discomfort and wiped the dripping blood of on his own hand.

He watched her with his ever so calculated eyes. She gulped again, and due to the peer pressure she gave him her hand. He took it gladly, a small smile dusting his chapped lips. She tensed, as she felt the clod metal touch her untouched skin.

As she felt it slice, her eyes clenched shut, and her muscles tightened. The Alpha pulled the knife away, and revealed to her a small, but painful cut on her right hand. He watched her as he carelessly cut his own palm.

He held out his heavily bleeding hand, and she hesitantly put her hand in his. She gasped softly as her blood and his connected. The Alpha bit his lip, and tightened his grip on Rosalie's hand. "I Rosalie Marie Benson wear to stay loyal to this pack, and it's Alpha, and to protect my pack mates as if they are my own", she stated, and he eyed suspiciously.

"Very well", he said, as he looked back into the crowd, "these two werewolves are to be treated as your own, they are us now!", he stated, and then turning back to her, he nodded. But as she began to pull away, his grip tightened, he seemed to not want to let go. She sent him a glance, and he did the next best thing, and led her down the steps. Just as her brother reached her, the Alpha turned to her and muttered, "Why are you wearing white?", to which she replied with a quick,

"Why aren't you?"


I love the ending to this chapter... So witty, so sassy, so smartass.

Hahaha. Anyway hope you'll have a great day!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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