15. You Have Anger Issues

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Luke: You had no idea what you where arguing about this time, but it started to got really intense. Both you and Luke had a very short temper, but you were the worst. And Luke didn’t even know that you had a real problem with your anger, you didn’t dare to tell him, because you were afraid he would leave you. “Do you know what?!" he yells at you, red in the face and glossy eyes. “If you hate me so much, so why don’t you just leave?!". He points at the door as your heart stop. No. You don’t want to leave him. You break down on the floor crying, for the first time ever. He still stands up, looking at you with a heavy, frustrated breaths. “I’m sorry Luke" you cries. “I’m so sorry". He still doesn’t say anything. “I-I have…" you start, but can’t finish. You look up at Luke, his face is looking a bit more gentle. When he sees your face he sits down in front of you, taking your hands in his owns. "(Y/N)" he says gently. ".. I have really terrible anger issues", you whisper quietly. He stops breathing for a second, and you’re about to cry again. When you’re pretty sure that he will just stand up and leave, he pulls you into a hug. “Babe, why didn’t you say something?" he whisper in your ear. You hug him back, still tears falling from your eyes. “I thought you would leave me if you found out". He giggles cutely in your ear. “Why would I? You can stand me, then I can probably stand you".

Jai: Jai and the boys were out at the moment with the rest of the boys, or just some of them. You didn’t now, you didn’t care. But you’re pretty pissed of, because everything he did was to leave you a note where it stood that he’s out. Couldn’t he wait until you got home or something? Leaving a note is rude, so he rather go out with friends than be with you or what? After an hour or two he finally comes home. “I’m home babe!" he shouts. When he gets into the living room, you’re siting in the couch with the TV on, not greeting him or anything. “Hello?" he says, pretty surprised of your behavior. “Oh, so now you spend time with me?" you ask harshly. He raise his eyebrows in surprise. “What are you talking about?" he ask nervously. You stand up. “You’re always out with your friends, and you never say it to me properly, you just leave a note or text me!" “But you were out! I can’t just - oh". Your heart skips a beat when he gently takes your hands. “Is it that time of month?" he ask nervously. You blush. “Jai! No! It’s just, didn’t I tell you that I have a little bit problem with my anger?". You blush ever more, this was pretty awkward. At first he looks like a lost puppy, but then he just smile. “I’m sorry baby, I totally forgot". He strokes your knuckles. “But honestly, is it that time of month?"

Daniel (Skip): "I’m getting frustrated!" you sighscream as you lay in your bed with all your books. “Look, my teacher gave my like 3 tests in Biology, Physics and Chemistry! I can none of them! And then, in the middle of everything, I have a mountain high as Everest of homework’s". You boyfriend, Skip, who was sitting at your desk drawing, start laughing. “Calm down honey! You talk to much!" “But my teacher is saying that we feel better when we “free our souls"!". He laugh again and turn the desk chair around to face you. You look away from your books up to him. “What?" you ask and raise one eyebrow. “Wait, did you have tests in Biology, Physics and Chemistry?" he asks with a cheeky smile on his lips. You raise both of your eyebrows. “Yeaah… Why?". He walk towards you and lay down besides you. He pulls your hair away to the other side and start kissing your neck. “You now, I think we can try out all of them? And as a plus, we calm you down."

James: James knew that you had anger issues, and whenever you started screaming and getting mad, he became sad. He always got so sad when you were mad, always looking at you with big puppy eyes. This time, you were about to get mad, but saw how he tried very hard to keep you calm, afraid of the angry you. Your heart broke as you saw your boyfriends eyes. “Um, I can give you a massage, a smoothie, what do you want?" he asked quickly in fear. You’re feeling like a monster. A terrible monster. Not a cute one as in Monsters. Inc. You feel like a big, monster. Yeah, pretty much as the bad guys in Monsters. Inc. What was his name? Randal? You don’t think much about that before you pull James in a hug. “I’msorryI’msorryI’msorry" you say fast as you keep pulling James to you. “I’m such a terrible girlfriend I’m like Randal in Monsters. Inc please don’t hate me!". You hear a little chuckle from James, and let your breath out. “Why would I hate you? There nothing you can do about it? You’re not a terrible girlfriend, you’re the best girlfriend in the history". You let him out of the hug and he face you. A small smile grows on his lips. “Do you know what? I feel for a movie! Why not Monsters. Inc?"

Beau: You and Beau was getting along very well with your anger problems. He always jokes about that he grew up with Luke and is used to it, but he is very very understanding. Whenever you’re even about to get mad, it’s like he sees it and do something about it. Even before your temper get’s out of control, he hugs you from behind and whisper calming things in your ear. Like “don’t let it get over you" “you are beautiful with a smile on your face, so please, keep it smiling". Right now, you were checking your twitter. The hate just keep growing, like GROWING. Some stupid fan says that Baniel is real, and that you’re just a “beard". As soon as you’re about to throw your new iPhone 5 in the wall, Beau comes in to the bed room with a unopened bear in one hand. “Hey, wazzap?" he asks, then he sees your face. “Wow, babe, you’re looking furious". You spanning your jaws. “Well, because your fans are idiots who think that I’m a stupid beard, I’m not even that hairy!?" you scream in frustration. Beau don’t answer, he just walk over to you, takes your hand and kiss it. “Rumors is rumors, why even care if they don’t know?". He kiss your jaw and your body goes from tense to super relaxed. “Relax baby" he mumbles to your skin. Just his words relax you. “Feeling better?" He stop kissing you and face you instead. You can’t speak, don’t knowing if your voice is steady or not, so instead you nod. He smiles and pat your hear. “Good girl!"

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