102. He Tells You He Loves You

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He tells you he loves you for the first time.

Beau: You're grumpy. Beau and the boys are going on another world tour, and now your back at the airport. Wasn't the first one enough? And how many girl did they kiss on that tour? You lost the count on thousand. "Honey," Beau moans when he sees how you're standing with your arms crossed over your chest and a pouting underlip. "I won't be able to do anything on the tour if I'll remember the last expression on your face like that". He put his index finger in each corner of your mouth and tries to make a smile. You slap away his fingers. "I maybe shouldn't have woken you up..." he mumbles a little. Yes, it's 5 o'clock in the morning and you're looking like a goblin. The early flight is mostly because of the fans. No teenage girls wakes up 5 o'clock in the morning, even if it's Janoskians. "Beau, time to say goodbye," Luke suddenly says. Beau nods, then he pulls you into a hug. A very comfortable hug. Your eyes starts to tear, and at first you don't hug him back, but after maybe 5 seconds you hug him back. Too tightly. He coughs and pats your head. "I'll only be gone in a few months," Beau says and kiss your head. "Just go back too sleep, and when you wake up I'll be there". You nod, knowing that he won't be, but wishing it was so. When you pull back he gives you a quick peck on your lips, maybe because he really didn't like your breath in the morning. "Goodbye, babe," he says and waves as the security walks away with the boys, leaving only two guards with you. You hate having guards around you, because you don't consider yourself as famous. "I'll drive you home," one of the guards says. "Please," you answer him and smile gently. You're just grumpy towards Beau, apparently. When the two of you get into the car, you catch a grin on the guards lips. But it was just for a very second. You wrinkle your eyebrows a little, but quickly gets over it. Maybe he ate a really great breakfast or something. The car starts moving, and you lean against the car door. After maybe ten minutes your eyelids feels as heavy as ever, but then you see something. On the bridge over you, there's a huge fabric, or a rug. But it's white with a black text on it. Who may have done ... When the car gets closer, you can see the text. "(Y/N), I'm way to awkward and shy to tell you this face to face, but I love you!!! - Beau"

Luke: "Luke, now you're being over protective that was my brother," you explains as he sits down on the couch with his face in his hands. "God this is so embarrassing" Luke sighs. "I hate myself so much..." He pulls down his hands and looks at you, right in your eyes. His beautiful eyes is a little shinier than usual. "I mean, I do trust you, I really do, more than anything" he keeps babbling. "And that's the problem, I care for you too much". When Luke gets this embarrassed it's always best to just shut up and nod. But he is so adorable when he does. Because he keeps saying things that you already knows. It's like he is trying to explain to himself than he is persuading you. "(Y/N), you know that I really do love you, right?" he asks and takes your hands in his. You giggle. "Of course I do" you say and intertwine your fingers. "No, not just love, the word is not enough." he keeps babbling and looks at you again. "I love you so much that it hurts,". You laugh again. Maybe he is drunk? You love when this happens. "I know I know," you say and shake your head. "I'm serious, (Y/N), I swear you're killing me" Luke sighs and pull away his hands to put them on his heart. "Never, ever, leave me". "I won't," you promise and takes his hands again. "No, I want you to pinky promise it" he pulls up his pinky finger, but you totally ignore it and go for the lips instead. You give him a sweet but short kiss. "Was that enough?" you smile against his lips. His breath goes back to the normal, slow breathing. "That was good," he admit, but then he push you away from him a little. Once again, he pulls up his pinky finger. "- but I want the pinky promise"

Jai: You and Jai had been together in almost a year, but not even once had he told you that he loves you. You were okay with that in the beginning, because you knew that he wasn't sure if he did or not. But after a whole year...? You knew that you loved him, but you didn't dare to tell him. After all, the worst thing in the world is to tell someone that you love them, and to not get a 'I love you' back. Of course, you hadn't told him either. But it's always the guy who tells you first, right? And then you live happily together the rest of your lives, right?
But what if happy ever after never comes? What if Jai actually doesn't love you? What if he doesn't want to get to the next step in the cycle?
So this Friday night you two were watching The Notebook for maybe the twelfth time this week. "What if it was that easy to tell somebody that you loved her?" you sigh and lean against Jai's shoulder. "Yeah," he answers after a while. "What if...?". You sit up straight. Just ask him, you tell yourself in your head over and over again. You open your mouth. "Why haven't you ever told me that you loved me?". You close your mouth. Those words were supposed to be yours, but they came from Jai's mouth. He looks at you with those puppy eyes that nobody can resist. "I was going to ask you the same..." you mumble. A hand appear on the back of your hand and squeezes it lightly. Jai leans forward, making your heart go crazy. Shivers of pleasure runs through your body. "Then who should start?" he whispers in your ear. You really thought that you wasn't going to be able to talk, that you would just stutter. But the words you say goes out as clearly as water. "We are doing it together". Jai leans back, not without kissing your nose. More like a peck, to be honest. "I count to 3," Jai says. You close your eyes. This is what you've been waiting for in your whole life. This is it. This is your happy ever after. In the distance you hear someone start counting, but you can't wait. "Jai I love you so much!" you suddenly shout and throw yourself around his neck. Jai almost fell out of the couch, but then he smiles and pat your back. "You waited a whole year, but you couldn't stand 3 seconds more?" "Tell me that you love me, you bastard!" you chuckle against his throat. Jai laughs, then he hugs you. "I love you so much, (Y/N), more than you could ever imagine".

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