22. Your First 'I Love You'

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Luke: With Luke being on tour with he rest of the boys I was feeling incredibly lonely. I knew I only had a few days left until I could see him, but the longer I spent away from him the longer it became unbearable. To try and distract myself from the pain I was feeling I opted to do some cleaning around the house. I plugged in my music and grabbed a duster dancing and singing away to my favorite tracks. I was so en-wrapped with beat filling my ears that I didn’t even realise Luke enter my apartment until I felt 2 large hands grab my waist from behind. I let out a scream ready to attack the mysterious person only to relax after seeing Luke’s grinning face. ‘Hey babe, miss me?’ He asked with a smirk on his face. 
‘Oh my fucking God Luke! What are you doing here?’ I asked with amazement, bringing him closer to my beating chest.
‘I couldn’t bear not seeing you for this long, and I managed to get the next plane tickets out here.’ He said with love running through his voice.
‘Oh Luke, i love you so much.’ I replied bringing him into a kiss, only pulling back seconds later with the realisation of what I had just said. My cheeks started to burn, whilst Luke had a huge smile on his face.
‘I love you too (Y/N).’ He replied bringing you into a kiss. ‘Now let me show you how much I love you.’ He winked whilst carrying me bridal style to my bedroom.

Jai: This was the 5th date me and Jai had been on and the more time I spent with him the more feelings I felt being developed for him.  He slowly inter-whined his hand into mine as we walked down the peaceful street. I looked up to see a smiling and content Jai pleased with the way the date went, he had done an extremely good job.  He looked down at me seeing the reflected smile.
‘What?’ He asked with a slight chuckle in his tone?
‘Nothing, it’s just today has been perfect and I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend as perfect as you are.’ I replied simply, slightly embarrassed at my recent confession. Jai then placed his finger under my chin bringing it up so he could stare into my eyes.
‘If anyone’s perfect, that is definitely you.’ He stated with love burning through his eyes.
‘I love you Jai’ I said in whisper but still loud enough for Jai to hear.
‘I love you more (Y/N).’ He said, holding my waist and catching me in a long and meaningful kiss.

Beau: ‘Beau, oh my gosh stop’ I managed to muster through the giggles escaping my mouth.We were currently both on the floor, him straddling me and tickling me causing a full-out laughing fit. 
‘Not until you say the magic words.’ He replied loving the sound of  my laughter leaving my mouth.
‘Fi- Fine, I-I love y-you Beau’ I said through heavy breaths and giggling. Suddenly the tickling stopped, I sighed in relief and looked up at Beau whose face was a mixture of shock and excitement.
‘What?’ I asked slightly taken back by my boyfriend’s expression.
‘You jut told me you love me.’ He replied the corners of his mouth up-turning into a big smile.
‘Weren’t they the magic words..’ I slowly trailed off.
‘No, it was Beau is incredibly handsome’ He smirked.
My cheeks started to burn bright red and my eyes widened in shock.
‘I-I’m sorry, I just thought. Oh my God, kill me no-’ I was cut off by Beau’s lips connecting to mine, with his hand running gently through my hair.
‘I love you too (Y/N)’ He replied, pressing a small kiss to my forehead. ‘More than you’ll ever know.’

James: Me and James decided on having a lazy day in. I went into the kitchen of my apartment and made some popcorn whilst he collected some movies and a blanket for us to snuggle in. When I came back he popped on the movie and I found a comfortable position laying on his chest. The movie however was soon forgotten as I turned to face a smiling James who was gently running his fingers through my hair. 
‘You’re so beautiful (Y/N), I am the luckiest boy ever’ He cooed placing a kiss to my forehead.
‘You’re the sweetest boyfriend a girl could have James, you treat me just like a princess-’ I replied yawning slightly afterwards.
‘Aw baby, you’re tired. Go to sleep.’ He whispered in my ear, kissing my jaw softly. I relaxed under his touch my eyes slowly shutting but before I drifted off into a blissful sleep the words came out before I could stop them. ‘I love you James’ leaving my boyfriend with the biggest grin known to man. ‘I love you too baby.’

Daniel: Whilst Daniel was sleeping I decided to make a start on breakfast. I got out of bed, and placed one of my boyfriend’s over-sized t-shirts over me. I smelt just like him. Just as I had finished frying the bacon, I felt his warm arms wrap around my waist and his head find the crook of my neck.
‘Morning beautiful’ he whispered sending shivers down my spine. I turned and greeted him with a quick peck on the lips, serving the food onto the plate.
‘Wow you look so good in my clothes.’ He stated pulling the hem of the shirt up.
‘Skip!’ I said my cheeks burning up slightly whilst I slapped his hand away.
‘Sorry baby, you’re just so irresistible.’ He replied, I could almost hear the wink in his voice.
‘It’s a good thing that I love you.’ I said not giving much thought into what I had said until I had said it. He turned me around quickly so our faces were inches apart. 
‘Well it’s a good thing I love you too, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do this’ He whispered against my lips before crashing them together. He picked me up so that my legs could wrap around him as we entered the bedroom, the breakfast completely forgotten.

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