88. You Seduce Him

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Beau: "What about this one?" you ask, spinning in yet another dress in front of Beau. "Yeah, that’s fine too" he comments indifferently, hunched over his phone and barely looking up. You are trying to decide what to wear for your date night, and it seems Beau is getting bored and annoyed, waiting for you to pick an outfit already. He has lost interest in your choice of dress a long time ago and now scrolls through his phone absentmindedly. You frown, watching him, when you get an idea. "I think i’m gonna go with this one" you announce after changing once more. "That’s great, let’s gooo….woah" Beau’s eyes widen when he finally looks up to see you dressed in only black and peach coloured lingerie, topped off with stereotypical sexy, black, six inch heels and a devilish smirk on your face. "I think I like this one best" Beau grins, cocking up an eyebrow as he takes his time drinking in your body with his eyes, letting them wander slowly over every inch of you. "It’s not very comfortable though…… I think I should take it off" you say in a husky voice, daintily pushing a bra strap over your shoulder, your stare not leaving Beau. "Let me help you with that" Beau replies, his confident, cocky little smirk replacing the look of awe and lust, as you both take it to the bedroom.

Daniel: "Daniel, can you come help me, I can’t figure out how to use the stupid DVR system!" you whine, poking your head out to the terrace, where Daniel is hanging out with the rest of the boys as well as some additional friends. "Babe, I’m busy. Can’t you do something else? Just read a book or something" Daniel waves you off, taking his turn at the hookah, puffing out a cloud of white smoke. You huff, annoyed he won’t help you when you desperately need to catch up on all the newest Pretty Little Liar episodes. So, you decide to teach him a lesson. You slip on your skimpiest, sexiest bikini and strut out to the pool by the terrace, in front of all the boys and swan dive into the water. The boys holler and cheer, seeing you exposed in your almost non-existent bathing suit. Daniel’s expression takes on a mix of desire and anger. He pulls you aside as soon as you get out. "What are you doing?" he hisses, grabbing your wet arm. "Well, you said to go do something else since I can’t watch the DVR…." you respond innocently, knowing Daniel is peeved you are showing off in front of his friends. However, it seems his testosterone levels have won out. "Fine, i’ll fix the DVR. But first, go change into something less sexually frustrating" he urges you. "OR I could change into nothing at all" you counter cheekily, smiling at Daniel’s failing attempt to contain himself from jumping your bones. "Let’s go" he finally gives in to the temptation, pulling you away from the boys so he can have you all to himself.

Jai: "Jaiiiiii, i’m bored" you whinge, sloping your arms around his neck from behind, resting your chin on his shoulder as he works on his laptop. "Just hang on a minute, babe. Let me just finish this" he mutters, his attention solely on his work. "Are you sure you don’t want an ice cream break?" you ask him, hoping to sway him. He shakes his head no, his eyes still not leaving the screen. You sigh, getting up and going to the kitchen to make yourself a bowl of ice cream. You add a ton of whipped cream and, with a sudden stroke of genius in mind, return to Jai’s room. "It is ok if I eat this here?" you ask him sitting down on his bed. His gaze shifts briefly from his computer to look at you. "That’s fine" he replies, before going back to work. "Ok…." you sing, with a sly look on your face. You start eating the ice cream really slowly, like in a cheap, bad movie scene, dropping whipped cream in your cleavage. "Whoops!" you exclaim. Jai looks up again, just in time to see you slowly licking cream off our fingers and giving him a sexual stare. "What are you doing?" he asks warily. You simply grin in response, taking another slow lick of ice cream from your spoon, then letting your tongue glide over your lips. "Are you SURE you don’t want some of this ice cream?" you repeat your previous question. He hesitates for a moment, pretending to actually consider saying no, but he get’s up and strides over to the bed, where you feed him a spoonful of ice cream, which neither of you end up finishing.

James: James is fairly easy to flirt with. He falls for all the easy, basic stuff; hair twirling, giggles and ever-so-slight touches and brushing of skin. As nice and lovely as it is getting to know James better and flirting back and forth with him, you are ready to take it to the next level. You’ve been stuck in the friend zone for way to long for your opinion. Tonight, you are about to change that, and you have just the idea of how to. “Hey, James? Can you help me please?” you ask, stepping out into the living room, knowing you look fabulous. You’re dressed up in your favourite red lace dress, which is flowly and cute, as well as just the right amount of revealing and sexy. Your hair is curled and cascading down your shoulders, your make up done to perfection. You hear James’ breath catch, as he sees you stepping out. It takes him a second to reply. “Um yeah! Yeah, of course!” he fumbles awkwardly to get up and help you fasten the clasp of your necklace. You gracefully lift your hair, knowing James has a weakness for it. You pin it up whilst he fixes your golden chain. He lingers a moment longer than necessary, before releasing the closed clasp and stepping back. “Thanks” you beam, turning around and flashing him with your best smile. “Where are you going, all dressed up?” he inquires. “Out with the girls” you tell him. “Oh. Well….. You look…. Very beautiful” he comments shyly, blushing like a total sweetheart. “Not so bad yourself” you laugh, not shying away from his closeness. When the laughter dies, you both just sort of stand there, eyes locked, lost in each others gazes. Finally, you stand up on your tiptoes and move very close to his face. He takes the hint and leans down to kiss you, with passion and fire, feeling you respond immediately. “I’m sure the girls will be fine without me” you mutter between kisses, pulling James onto the couch to do what you’ve been wanting to for a while now.

Luke: you’ve just had one of those days where everything is shit and everybody is pissing you off. The only cure for this kind of day that you know of is dancing in your underwear. You turn up your music and sing along (badly) to your ipod, flipping around your hair, wiggling your hips and jumping around insanely. You already feel your frustration and worries melting away and a smile spreading across your face. That smile fades very quickly however, when you notice your boyfriend, Luke, standing in your door frame, observing your little dance party with fascination. You freeze, covering your mouth and chuckling in embarrassment, as he raises his eyebrows in mockery. “Wow” he simply says, shaking his head. “You never said you were coming over! This is private dancing-therapy time!” you inform him, as he comes in and sits on your bed. “Yeah, I clearly should have called ahead” he jokes. “Hey! My dancing is awesome!” you insist. “Here, let me give you a demonstration.” You pick a racy, deep and sexy song, smirking as you start to move your body to the beat of the tune.  Your movements are liquid, slow yet quick and sharp. Luke’s face changes from mockery to stunned and filled with lust, as you edge in closer on him, basically doing a lap dance on him. You straddle him, rubbing your body against his, letting your hands wander over his body, taking off his jacket and shirt, biting your lip seductively. Your lips connect with his in a strong and steamy kiss that clearly begs for more. “Stop teasing” Luke growls under his breath, his big, powerful hands on your waist, strong and with purpose. He hoists you up and thrusts you onto the bed. “Time to show you some of my other moves” you whisper to him, before you both sink onto the mattress, intertwined in each other.

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