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"calum!" she squeals, "put me down, you asshat!"

"never!" i yell, walking towards the bay, carrying her bridal style.

"but it's cold! please don't drop m-AHH!" ella screams before i drop her into the freezing cold water.

oncd she resurfaces, she splashes the salty water in my eyes. "fuck you calum!"

"OW! THAT HURTS! THAT SHIT BURNS." i rub my eyes, only to make it worse. tears start to form and i pout. "you made me cry."

"well too bad. it's your fault for throwing me into the water." she sasses, folding her arms across her chest. oh, how i love her sassiness.

"you hurt my feelings." i pout, trying to get a reaction out of her. "and my eyes." i squint.

"it's okay. you still look the same, asian and all." she jokes, punching my arm lightly.

"i'm not fucking asian. i'm gonna get you back, myers."

"oh really?" she taunts. "come at me, hood."

i mumble a quick 'okay' before grabbing her by the waist and hoisting her over my shoulder.

"cal! stop!" ella yells.

"i can't hear you!" i say, while walking further into the ocean. once i feel like it's deep enough, i pick up ella and drop her into the ocean.

"oops, i'm so clumsy." i tell her.

"i hate you."

"no you don't, babe. it's quite the opposite actually." ella rolls her eyes as i lean down and place my lips on hers.

that was the first time we ever kissed.

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