Calm down..I got chu

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Lovely ***

I never knew how to trust anybody cause anybody I ever trusted hurt me. When I fell like im being treaten or controled i shut the fuck down and lovely is gone. My bitch as alter ego Diablo comes out..Which means Devil.

I dropped Marcus off with his bitch and at 5 went to this adress no good gave me.

I sighed and got out the car. I walked to the door and knocked. You know niggas aint ever got a doorbell. He opened up. It was actually 6;02 but oh well me being on time aint killing him or making me no money.

" Wassup ? "

" Can I come in or you invited me over to stand outside " I ask. He stepped aside and I came in.

" Ma you need to lose the attitude im just trying to help you " He says.

" I dont need help and please dont call me ma " I say. I didnt really like that term and I sure in the hell wasn't anybody's mother.

" look if you don't want my help. You my friend and I like you and I'm just trying to look out for you. I'm not trying to hurt you. " I just nod cause I didn't have no words.

" fine. "

" want something to drink? " I shook my head no and looked around the spot. It was simple but nice. " You can have a seat. Just make your self at home " He says.

W both sat and it was quiet for a little minute.

" You okay? What's up with you bad Roy beef? that shit was crazy " He says.

" I don't like for people to tell me what to do or try to play me out. I been through too much to let a motherfucker show me less respect then what I deserve. " I say with a shrug.

" I feel you but you cant get slick like that. The nigga wants you dead now "

" Im not tripping. If I die I die. I dont fear death. All I want to do is be with my mother. If I die I get that. So when its my day its my day. Im gon' be ready and i wont shed a tear " I say.

He looked at me. " Why do say shit like that ?! As young as you are you shouldnt be ready to die. I understand you miss your mother but damn Lovess...Do you want to talk about it. What happen or anything. " He ask. Why the fuck does he continue to press me.

" You wanna know ? When I was little my shit bag of a father use to rape me. When I got older I told my mother. She was ready to leave. We got everything and was ready to leave him. She screamed at him about hurting me and he got mad I " accused " him and pulled a gun saying he wasnt going to jail. He tried to kill me that day and she jumpped infront of the bullet. He killed her right infront of me and ran out that door. I havent seen him since. He took away my bestfriend. He took away the only person that understood me and got me. She was all I had and he ripped her away from me " I was in tears He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to where my head is burried in his chest.

" Sssh Lovely im sorry...Im here for you. Im not going to hurt you..So calm down..I got chu ma " He tells me. He kissed my forehead and continue to hold me in his arms.

Thats how I cried myself to sleep then. In the arms of No GOOD....






She awoke and looked at me. I laid her in my bed cause she fell asleep crying. All in her sleep she tossed and turned and groaned. She even looked in pain as she slept. I just felt bad as fuck for her.

Falling in Love with No Good... (FINISHES..ALSO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now