Tell Me

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Lovely :

I threw down my backpack. Ugh. I was tired. I havent been working as much as school.

My phone rung.

" Whats up ? " I asnwer his call.

" Open the door "

" Here I come, Love " I hung up then went and let him in. I open the door. Marcus was standing there in a grey sweats and a red Ralph Lauren Polo. I stood to the side and he walked in past me.

" Whats up ? " I ask him.

" Nothing " He walked past me. Like what was his problem ? He went and sat down and I sat down next to him grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels. Marcus was my bestfriend. We could talk about alot and just chill and I didnt have no worries.

I went ahead with some old re-runs of Martin that was playing. This was our shit. Martin with some beers and food and the night was made. Everythin was good.

But right now his vibe just wasnt the same. He didnt seem like chill ol' down to earth comfortable Marcus. I leaned back on his chest placing my back on his chest.

" Whats wrong ? " I ask him. I could feel him shake his big ass head and shrug. " Use you'rr words, please "

" Nothing..Im good " He says. I turned and looked at him.

" You sure ? "

" Positive.." He says. With that being said I turned back to the TV. Shit I wasnt going to sweat him. If it was something he would tell me when the time is right. " Lovesss ? "

" Yes, Mc " I ask watching TV.

" Are you happy ? " He asked me out of the blue. I was caught off gaurd and confused with the question.

" What do you mean ? "

" No Good...Are you happy with him? " He ask me.

" Where is this coming from ? " I ask confused. Why the hell was he asking something like this.

" Just tell me..Before I do something I would regret....are you happy ? "

" I guess "

" Its not somethin you guess..Its something you KNOW " He tells me. I turn and look at him. I reaally didnt undertsand why we were having this conversation. Marcus can be so random at times I swear dude. He better be lucky I love him.

" I dont know where this came from or where its going..but yes I guess parts of me are happy. I mean we have our moments and he does things but Im in a place where I guess im trying to be happy. And King makes me happy " I tell him. He nods. " Why you ask? " I ask him.

" No shut up. I cant hear the TV " He tells me. I laughed and punched his chest turning around and facing the TV. He drapped his arms over my chest and we continued to watch our show and chill. My phone vibrated.

KioniiBoo: Lovely I miss you. Do you want to come over ? I want you ;)

I sat back starring at it again then my phone vibrated a new text.

King: Baby, Whats up ? Need your help hmu when you get the chance !

Nah..tonight im just going to chill with my bestfriend. He has me for the night.






So what is a bestfriend for ? Im supposed to let her be happy right and have her back...fuck as much as I hate to do it...I guess I have to.........FOR NOW!

Lovesss been through alot and deserves the best. I just got to be there for her...she needs me * I had my stevie J face on when I said that *

She went to the bathroom and I sat on the couch. My phone made a beep noise. I open the text.

( Text Convo )

Neeshaaa: Marcus guess what ?

Marcus: What ?

Neeshaaa: You ugly :/

Marcus: Lmao but you like me though !

Neeshaaa: You think that ???

Marcusss: I KNOW that

Neeshaaa: Well then...If you say so!

Marcuss: So you dont ? Thats fucked up, and to think I bought you dinner

Neeshaa: Lmao ok..but I did cook you breakfast..I like you yeah. You cool peoples

Marcuss: Awee ;)

Neeshaa: Ctfu what you doing ?

Marcuss : Chillin..I was thinking..maybe you wanted to go out to dinner or something in a few nights ???

Neeshaa: Yess boo

Marcuss : iht so im a let you think on where you want to go ight ? Hit me up when you know

Neeshaaa : Kk

Marcuss: Night babay

Neesha: Night :*

( End Of Convo )

Neesha is real cool peoples. Like I love kicking it with that girl. Plus she funny as hell too. So we gon' get together and have dinner again.

" Dang you sure is popular tonight, Mc " I didnt even notice Lovesss had sat down.

" Oh nah " I shrug tucking my phone.

" Who is that ? " She asked.

" Nisha. We're going out dinner. She decided to text me im ugly...psh she must have met another Marcus then " I joke.

" You like her ? "

" Yeah. "

" Cute "

I know right. Funny how me and Nisha met and clicked so fast. She can be with me...if she a down as chick.

Tell a ride or die ?





No Good

" So you will have a business partner to do this with ? " Ryder, my boss ask me.

" Yeah. " I say. Damn if Lovely text me soon. I need her. She was going to be my decoy to set this nigga up...might be better then just trying an armed robbery on him...we need something from him that will unlock alot of shit...literally.

He has a a safe deposite box..and I plan on getting it.

I want that bitch and everything inside this safe.

They dont call me No Good For nothing...

Tell Me...who do these fools think they are fucking with KING ?

I run this shit!



Gues who had writers block ? And guess who started back school with a sced full of AP classes ? Yes yours truely! So im doing updates on Friday and Saturdays! Thank you for understanding! Love you guys!

-- Shantii

-- Marcus wants lovess to be happy

-- Is Lovely happy ??

-- Marcus and Neesha going out again !

-- What Kionnii ass want lol

-- King though..he needs help hmm

-- Team #Marcus or #King

-- What the hell is King getting into ??





Ask.Fm/LadiiThug15 hit me up

Falling in Love with No Good... (FINISHES..ALSO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now