26. Personal Soldier (Suga)

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The bell to start class startled your train of thoughts. You heaved a sigh and strutted quickly to your next class knowing how much of a stickler your professor was about the attendance of every student in your school. Paper balls and airplanes flew all over the class and a few boys sat together hunched up in a small circle. You pushed your glasses up and walked over to your desk putting away all the items you had into your back onto the desk. One of the men who was tall and fairly built turned over and glanced at you. You looked over and a small breath escaped your lips. He gave you a wink and puckered his lips teasingly causing the two boys next to him to sneer and chuckle. Your cheeks went hot and you went back to what you were doing.

"Hey cupcake, what's cookin?" said the bulky guy.

He was greeted with silence and you paid little attention to his words.

Min Yoongi sat in the back of the classroom with his chair leaned back and his snap back concealing his sleeping face. He leaned forward and took his hat off. His eyes were observant on the man who just approached you. Hostility was quick to see in his eyes. His muscles tensed looking like a wild animal observing their prey. Waiting for the right moment to strike.

"Cat got your tongue? Tootsie?" said the bulky guy again.

You put your book away in your bag.

"My name is not Tootsie." You muttered.

A scrawny guy who was assumed to the bulky Guy's friend was held back by a classmate. Scrawny kid knew better than to pick a fight with someone two times his size and strength. Yoongi sat patiently with a hostile glare still in place.

"Oh? I never knew you were such a feisty one!"

The bulky guy pushed your backpack out of the way and grabbed onto your arm. You screamed out from the sudden pain pulsing through your wrist. You wriggled and struggled to break free but the grip was of equal strength to solid iron. His other arm coiled around your waist and he hoisted you onto his chest. You were forced to look him dead in the eye and fear held you by the hairs of your neck.

"Not so big and tough now aren't ya? Just be a good girl and give daddy a kiss." said the bulky guy.

The bulky guy was thrown into the floor with lightning speed. A chair broke under the massive weight of the man. Suga stood where the big guy once stood and his voice was menacing and angry.

"Calling yourself daddy. You make me sick." Snapped Yoongi.

Suga breezed past the fist of the big guy. He swung his head side to side avoiding any hits to the face by a giant fist. Yoongi hopped onto one of the desks kicking the guy square in the mid section of his back lunging himself at the giant figure. Suga shot one punch after the other at the big guy seeing that it had no effect. Suga was knocked out of his feet and was greeted by the taste of blood. He touched the lower part of his bottom lip and muttered a cuss word. The big guy wiped his lips and chuckled deeply. He yanked you by your hair and threw you onto a desk. Yoongi's  foot slid onto the back of the guy's leg making a loud thud notice as his head hit the hard floor of the home room. Yoongi planted his foot against the guy's rib cage and pressed down really hard. The big guy screamed out in agony.

"Next time I see you harassing her like that and I will give you a one way ticket to the Emergency Room." Yoongi said.

The guy only screamed and shouted in agony.

"Stop! Just let me go! Please!! I'll do anything!!" pleaded the guy.

Yoongi grabbed the guy by his collar.

"Just get out of my sight,"

The guy was knocked backwards making a run for the exit he bolted out leaving no trace of him behind. You stood lying down near a desk. Your hands shook and eyes widened at Yoongi's heroic action. He stood towering above you with his hand extended towards you.

"Are you alright? Y/N?"

You took his hand and gave a small nod. He helped you up and looked into your eyes with a gentle and sweet look.

"I'm fine now...thank you..for being so sweet and saving me back there," You replied.

Yoongi looks at you in surprise as he feels your warm lips touch his soft cheek. The aroma of soap and cherry perfume rub off you and you turn to look at him with a smile.

"I'll let you know if anyone bothers me. You're so sweet for even protecting me." You said.

You waved and headed back towards your seat. Yoongi stood right behind you with careful eyes. You looked over and blushes at how protective he looked. Everyone stared at you both causing your nerves to be a wreck.

"Nobody will hurt you if I'm by your side." said Yoongi.

"Next one to hurt you will have their ass kicked in a heartbeat,"


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