Chapter4: House Party

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No one made a sound. All you could hear was Rose whining about her wound. I really feel bad. She wasn't supposed to get hurt she was just trying to help me. Now look where it got her. I guess we're lucky she only got stabbed. I mean we could've lost our lives today because of a ring. Yes the ring is important, but it doesn't amount to my family's lives. I opened my mouth to apologize, but Junior beat me to it. As I heard him talk I stopped him.
And said, "You did it for protection...and so did I. Theres nothing we can do".
Everyone else looked at us. After a while they decided that we didn't meed guns and decided that they should confiscate them. Junior and I were past angry. We saved their lives!...But they had a point. If the feds caught on to us we'd be over with possession of drugs, felonies, now two murders.

Again, everyone just stared at us, patiently waiting for us to give up our guns. One slip we can't have our guns?!Being the hot head Junior is of course he threw a fit and started going off.
And as always no one payed him any mind. I didn't want to start a big argument so I just decided to give up my gun. I knew Junior was going to have something to stay about that so I stopped him.
"Babe just give up the gun they'll give it back. It is kind of our fault for everything," I said.
He just shoved his gun in the pile walked out. He slammed the door, and yelled out cuss words.
"I should probably go calm him down", I went after him.

As I went out there I seen him lighting up a blunt. Any reason for Jr. to smoke, he did. So basically anything that doesn't go his way is stress. This theory, to Jr, means smoke your brains out. All I could do was just sit there and watch him go crazy. The loud was taking over.... After a few minutes, I- kind of started to crave some. I sat next to him, took a big puff, and exhaled. Soon enough Junior and I were on a high I can't even describe. All I know is it chilled every little bad nerve we had.

We went back into the house to seen Amara snd Frankie putting on there jackets and shoes.
"Where's Rich and Rose?", I said in a low tone.
"They're in the back asleep", Amara said.
I nodded and looked at Junoir who was making a disgruntled face as rubbed his stomach. Must be hungry. Junior had the munchies badly whenever he was high. He found his way to the kitchen and began to devour a bag of hot cheetos.
Frankie and A shook there heads and said, "Love y'all".
Frankie walked out and Amara pretended to be behind him then turned on her her heel to look at me.
"Be good. And make sure the knuckle head stays out of trouble. BOTH of y'all stay out of trouble! Or I'll come back", she threatened.

I winked at her and she walked away. She always thinking she the momma when she the youngest of the group. I closed the door then heard they car start up. Then I heard car tires screeching signaling that they were gone.

Soon enough I got the munchies myself. I snatched the bag out if Jr's hand and sat down on the couch. He began to fuss so I passed him back the bag. He settled down and rubbed his temples.
I rubbed his back and said, "Its okay".
He responded with a sly grin then nodded and told me he was going home. The grin through me off, but Jr. was kind of crazy anyways so I gathered my things together. Once I did, I went to the back and knocked on Richies door.
"Come in", I heard Roses little baby voice say. As I entered the room I seen Richie sleeping on Roses stomach. Rose was watching a lifetime movie.
"Im leaving. Love you" , I said. She said it back then me and Jr left. Jr. dropped me off at my own house then sped off in the moonlight. I decided to shower, eat, then I prayed as I crawled into bed for a restful night.


I couldn't sleep that night, and I know Rose couldn't either. She tossed and turned until she screamed out in her sleep. I've been up since at about 3 because of the persistent moving.
She started to scream,"STAY BACK". Then she jolted foward.
In a split second she was awake. She began attacking me calling me Ashely and yelling put down the gun. I grabbed her and shook her a bit til she woke up. She looked me in my eyes and clutched onto me for dear life. After a minute of reassuring her that she was ok, she stood up and took a shower. Then came back into the room in a robe and slipped on one of my T-shirts.

Once she got back into the bed she nestled in my arms trying to find warmth. A second later she got comfortable and looked me in the eyes. I seen her dark brown orbs through the moonlight looking me in mine.
I kissed her forehead and said, "My beautiful Rose it'll be okay".
Soon enough I felt her little hand grab mine. I moved her hand up and kissed it. She moved her hand and kissed me.
Then she said, "Goodnight Richie pooh. I love you ".
I replied, "Goodnight beautiful, I love you more".
We both fell asleep.

As I woke up in the morning I realized Jr. texted everyone in the group chat about a party that he's throwing at the old abandoned house on Ruffian.

The old abandoned house sat directly on Thug Avenue. It was two stories, painted a baby blue shade, and it's big. After a big fight that killed the owners no one wanted to live there, so we turned it into a smoking joint/ party palace. We held the best parties in Parlous and anyone who lived here could tell you that. These parties got everyone fucked up, like real real fucked up. I knew tonight was going to be hype. Its just that I don't think Rose gone be up for it. After about an hour Rose got up and hugged and kissed me. I put on some basketball shorts and was about to head out my room.
"Don't forget about the party on Ruffian tonight," I said.
All she did was shake her head in an understanding way then walked to the kitchen.

I went into the kitchen and seen her preparing some breakfast it was only about 9 in the morning. I went into the kitchen besides her and prepared the eggs. Then out of no where she threw pancake flour in my face and giggled. Next thing you know the room was covered in flour. My mom and brother came in and picked up flour and started tossing it everywhere we missed. After about an hour everyone was snow bunny white from head to toe. Everyone helped clean up the kitchen, then I went off to take a shower. I put on a pair of black nike sweats, black and white nike windbreaker, and my white roshes.
After I got out I seen Rose step out the bathroom I watched her reach in my closet where she kept her other clothes. She put on her galaxy sweater with diamonds, some white jeans, and her Galaxy Adidas ZX Flux. She wore her hair in a high puff with a purple floral crown headband. We finished getting ready and waited for the house party to start. I looked at my outfit and felt like I should've put something else on. Nah Im not going to change. I ain't trying to impress no body. Besides Rose the only woman at that party I'm going for anyway.


Tonight's party is going to be fat. It's going to be so much going on though. Yeah I feel like something ain't right so I grabbed my dads gun. I mean really anything could happen at this party. Why go with out a gun?How am I supposed to protect myself and the people I care about? Amara and them, especially Amara, act like I just really can't control myself when I get mad or go under pressure in a dangerous situation. I mean I kinda can't but I think I'm getting better at managing myself.

After hours it was time for the party at the abandoned house. I had everything set up I also had Amara and Rose make some weed brownies. They weed brownies are always popping. On some real stuff they weed brownies will make you feel like your on Cloud 9.
Once everyone started to come I heard my guest saying they heard my music blasting from the other block.
"Perfect,"I said.
My parties are always legendary. I looked over and saw Amara and Frankie coming in looking lost. I waved them in my direction. They came over and I shook up with Frankie. Haha I had to bend down and to hug Amara. Haha her and Rose are so short. A few minutes later Rich and Rose arrived. And of course Rose had her irritated face on. She hates being starred down by people when she walk in to places. I mean but who doesn't? Rich was holding her hand then next thing I know Rich was next to me looking lost. "Where did Rose go?", he asked. He moved and there she was. Rich isn't even all that big. That'show you know the party was fat. Niggasdisappearing in plain sight.

After chatting with them I went and danced with T. When I tell you she had me in a trance...that girl had me in a trance! Ts booty was doing numbers and I couldn't calculate them. I'm fried. People was trying to hold me up. She was really backing it up. I gripped her waist and started to grind as she put in work. Everything was so hype then all the music cut off as well as the lights we had on. Gun shots rang out as I grabbed on to T and put my body over hers. I heard shrieks and screams. I wasn't going for it I crawled outside to see if I could catch up. Once outside I heard them still shooting. I looked around seen them hop in the car but its like they forgot one person. I couldn't see who though. They shot down all the lights all you could see was dark figures. Its better for me because they were still going to pay. I seen the one they forgot turn around I held up my gun.
As I shot I heard,"Junior NO".
It was in a males voice. After the guy was down I slowly walked over to see who it was. Once I looked down my heart shattered. I can't believe I shot him!

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