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WARNING: this will contain spoilers for the Sherlock special.

Okay, now to the point. It finished an hour ago, and I have not been able to move on with my life since. I MEAN, there are soooo many things to talk about here!
I'm going to start off with a bit of an overview of it, I think. It was all a MASSIVE tease. It was like an extended trailer for season 4. It was, in all fairness, still wonderful. The Victorian era was also done wonderfully. It gave us many references to the books and things like "The game is afoot." Not to mention, WE SAW SHERLOCK AGAIN IN ALL HIS GLORY!! It also basically satisfies all the shippers. There was Johnlock, there was Sherlolly, there was Jimlock, Mary and John were married, and Janine even made a freaking appearance! Sometimes there was a lot to take in with all the jumps from reality to hallucination, and you still can't convince me Moriarty is dead. He cannot be. Who else would be doing all this? Who else would be clever enough to come back at that exact moment??? Could he have planned all this before his death?? Or could is be Sebastian Moran picking up where Moriarty left off?? (In this case we would need to have MorMor, just sayin'. I'm still not at peace with his death though. The two of them would be awesome together. Will it ever become canon? *sighs*)
Now onto the ships:
1. Johnlock - in Sherlock's mind palace, John is is night in the shining armour. Okay, even Moriarty sees it. "You two should elope." Hello?? And that bro talk when they were waiting for the bride?? Sherlock thinking John is speaking to him when Mary and John discuss their marital problems?? It's as good as confirmed.
2. Sherlolly - Molly isn't in this an awful lot, but when she is, she shines. I mean, MOLLY DRESSED AS A MAN?? I didn't know I wanted it until I saw it. And then when she was a badass feminist at the end???? AWESOME, that's all I am able to say at the moment.
3. Jimlock - If you tell me there is no homoerotic subtext between Sherlock and Moriarty in this episode you are lying. "Your bed is surprisingly comfortable." HE SLEPT IN SHERLOCKS FREAKING BED!!! Okay, it is undeniable. I mean, Moriarty was in front of Sherlock IN A WEDDING DRESS! What am I to make of this? I myself am more of a Johnlock shipper, but I must give credit to those who ship Jim and Sherlock.

Okay, now onto another thing that caused me many, many feels in this special: Mycroft. SHERLOCK CANNOT SEE THAT HUS OLDER BROTHER CARES ABOUT HIM A LOT AND IT BREAKS MY HEART!! Did you see Mycroft's face when Sherlock told him to act like a "real older brother"??? Did you? If you have seen it (and if you haven't, then why the hell are you reading this?), then yes. Since the answer is yes, you cannot lie to me and say it was not heartbreaking. The feels are real, my friends.
Also, am I the only one who saw a parallel between Mycroft's excessive eating and Sherlock's drug addiction? And why is Mycroft so fat in Sherlock's mind palace? What is the meaning of this? If in the mind palace, Mycroft was gambling with his life, what if Sherlock is doing the same with drugs in reality?? I am seriously worried about him right now. And Mycroft only had all the food around him when Sherlock and John were there. When Mary was with him, there was no food to be seen.

I could go on and on about that one, but we must move on to the next thing I want to talk about. The feminism on Sherlock. The women here were all just badass, especially Mary. I ship Johnlock, yes, but I also love Mary and John together. It's complicated. But Mary is so freaking awesome I just love her. Sherlock obviously thinks she is highly intelligent because she was a spy in his mind palace and she figured so many things out that Sherlock and John didn't. I just want a Mary-centred show, tbh. I'd watch the hell out of that. It would be awesome.
Mycroft himself says that the women should win in the war between the sexes because we need equality at last. This statement just says so much because it's not even saying that women should take control over the world, just that those believing in equality should win against those that prefer a patriarchal society. Certain men were wronging their wives, or just female acquaintances in some cases, and the women decided to stand up to them and take action because they are badasses.

Now after this little rant/review (I don't think I can actually call it a review since I did very little actual reviewing xD), please excuse me while I go rewatch it and then probably fangirl all night. SO. MANY. FEELS.

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