Tagged once more!

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Okay, I know I've kind of not been on wattpad as often as I usually am at the moment, but I was tagged by Silivrennial to do this and I though why not? I'm really bored right now anyway. So, here we go!

1. Do you own any pets? If so, what are they?
Yes! I have a cat whom I love very much, and my host family has a dog, who is also quite nice, but inferior to cats. (As would be expected from a dog.)
2. What is your favourite kind of pasta?
I love all sorts of pasta. No pasta discrimination here.
3. Name three toppings that should never be allowed on a pizza.
Pineapples! That's just disgusting! Other than that... I don't know. Chips maybe? (And just to clarify, I do not mean crisps by this, people who speak American English). Also, fish. I hate fish and seafood and for me it just ruins the beautiful pizza.
4. How did you get into your favourite fandom?
My cousins forced me to watch The Two Towers with them years ago and they probably only watched it because it's something boys at that age had to have watched to be deemed 'cool' in their school (boy how times have changed), and I thought it was kinda good, so I did some research and I found out about this book called the Hobbit and I read it and I became obsessed with that fictional universe. When I later discovered the wonders of the Internet, I found out that actually a lot of people love it as well!
5. Did you get any one else into the said fandom?
I've tried really hard, but not even my cousins are fans now. (They did watch all the hobbit movies when they came out though, and even cried a little during BoFA. I saw. They can't hide their man-tears from me) I'm currently working on getting my host sister into it and she really enjoyed the LotR movies (Faramir is her favourite) so now I have to get her to read the books.
6. Dragon, Phoenix or Griffon?
Phoenix was the first I thought of, so I'm going with that. Dragons are awesome too though...
7. What Hogwarts house would you be in?
I'm a Hufflepuff and proud! Pottermore sorted me into it, and I was a little disappointed not to be in Ravenclaw like I thought I would be at first, but then when they give you that little welcome message I just fell in love with it and now I'm very proud of being a Hufflepuff.
8. What Warriors clan would you be in?
Ummm, none? I don't know what this is about, tbh. Is it Warrior Cats? That's all I can think of right now, but I wasn't aware it had such a big fandom...
9. What is your favourite kind of pie?
I love all kinds of pie, so I'm gonna go with the last kind I ate, which was an apple pie.
10. What's the first thing you would do if you randomly transported to Alaska?
Panic! In Alaska. (Yes, that was a horrible pun at Panic! At the Disco)
11. What is your opinion on trees?
Awesome! I think they improve the way places look. Forests are beautiful. And also, Treebeard.
12. What would you do if you met me in real life?
I'm assuming this is about the person who tagged me? Well, in that case, I would have to introduce myself first because sadly I don't know you that well, and I would probably say thanks for reblogging and liking so many of my tumblr posts!
13. Do you dream in colour, black and white, 8-bit or soundtracks?
I can't tell if this question is sarcastic, and I hate it. So in my confusion I will answer that my dreams generally consist of the Ainulindalë, the Music of the Ainur.

Okay, so I'm gonna tag these poor souls:

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