Chapter Twelve

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It was so warm here in the sunroom. Harry curled up as best he could in the wizarding world's version of a Papasan chair. It took a bit of getting used to, but once you anticipated the chair moving with you, it was actually really comfortable. The sun came through the glass ceiling and warmed his skin and made him feel drowsy. That feeling was nothing new. Harry seemed to always be ready for a nap or just waking from one. Snape said it was what he was supposed to be doing and that his and Draco's presence was allowing him to feel safe enough to do so. It still made Harry feel like a sloth, though. But he couldn't complain much, since he hadn't felt so content like this in a long time. Almost all of his fear about the baby was gone now and he no longer felt nervous or paranoid. He had to admit that, just maybe, having Snape here these past two weeks was a good thing.

An owl fluttered through the small door at the top of the room and perched on the back of his chair. Harry smiled as he recognised the bird. He gave it a pat as he sat up to read the letter.

"Dear Harry,

I hope this letter finds you well and happy. I was more than excited when I saw Hedwig last week. How has it been since Snape has moved in? Still the same old grump or is he actually human behind closed doors? No wait, don't tell me. It's much more fun to imagine the curmudgeon skinning and stewing rats when no one is looking, than knowing that he has an annoying habit of hanging his socks up to dry on the shower rod.

Things are well here. Same old routine and all that. But, I have happily been shopping in all the stores I haven't visited in, oh, twenty-five years or so. I have actually found the exact same stuffed goose that I got you just before you were born! I will need to hire at least three more owls to get this package to you by the time I am done gathering up my gifts!

I cannot wait to see you and the little one. I know we will have to wait until things settle down and Draco's dander isn't up, so we will plan for a few months after the baby is born and just a few days after the full moon when I'm at my weakest.

Be safe and healthy and don't try to do more than you think you can! Just relax and enjoy the pampering. I know it may get boring but enjoy the idleness now for it will disappear soon!

All my love,

p.s. Don't fight your instincts. Your body knows best now. Rest!"

Harry smiled at the postscript and held the letter close to his chest. The faint scent of his friend tickled his nose but fortunately did not set off any unwanted feelings.

Silently thanking the chair for helping him, Harry rose to his feet and padded back into the house proper. Reaching the staircase, he carefully climbed them, relying on instinct and memory to guide his feet. He wanted to see Snape and show him the letter. Well, maybe he would just tell him about the letter and paraphrase what Remus had said. Harry wouldn't admit it, but he was actually grateful that Snape had moved in. It made the house not so lonely and he always had someone to talk to. Well, talk at, most of the time. Snape wasn't the best conversationalist. But as long as Harry ignored most of the sharp words, it wasn't too bad. It was better than becoming a raging loony in an empty house.

As Harry finally made it to the top step he caught a glance of his own bedroom. Draco had left early again this morning. Harry barely remembered seeing him leave. Biting his lip, Harry controlled the tears that wanted to leak out. Draco was busier and busier, saying that he wanted to get as much of the transfer paperwork out of the way before the baby arrived. He was at the Ministry from dawn to dusk and many more hours than that, preparing his end of things for his replacement and also learning all he could from his own predecessor in the Canadian office. Attempting to make a perfectly flawless switch. Harry had thought that he hated the Ministry before, but now he loathed it for taking his husband away from him.

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