Chapter Twenty-Two

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Draco awoke in a much better mood than he had fallen asleep in. The reason for that was the warm heat of his husband tight against him and the black hair that lay on his chest. His arms tightened slightly around Harry, careful not to wake him just yet.

This was the way it was supposed to be. Harry, lying here in his arms, using him as a pillow. Not using Draco for sex and then not touching him afterwards. Draco frowned at that thought. Was that what had tweaked him so badly last night? The feeling that he had been used for sex? Draco sighed and realized he had to really stay away from those Hufflepuffs. Because, honestly, how can you be used for sex if you got off, right?

That line of thought was not making him feel any better so Draco decided that it wasn't worth thinking about. He pulled Harry up on his chest a bit and kissed him softly on the forehead. Ah, perhaps his father was right that Harry had made him a bit less hard-edged. But Draco didn't think it was all that bad, really. It made him use diplomacy before force and that seemed to be gaining him more affluence in the Ministry and private sectors. Allies that had no reason to hold his father in esteem. If Lucius wanted to try and shove Draco back into his pocket, he'd get one hell of a fight that was for sure.

"What are you grinning about this early in the morning?"

Draco looked down into blurry green eyes. "Just entertaining certain ideas about sequestering a possible problem," Draco smirked.

"Gah, you must have been up for longer than I thought if you are using that many big words," Harry grumbled and grabbed for his glasses off the nightstand. Draco watched him with a smile but Harry looked back with a face full of apprehension. "You're not mad about last night?"

Draco pushed his earlier unsettling thoughts away. "No. Why should I be? A bit surprising for you, but I did give you your request."

"Yeah," Harry looked down at the sheets in his hand. "I guess I just wanted to try something a bit different." Harry's face turned red and he did not look at Draco. "And, um, about that other thing that, uh... Well, I don't have a clue where that came from. I've never even thought about... you know... reversing." Harry said the word as if he would get his mouth washed out for it by his evil bear of an aunt. "I, um, really wouldn't want that. It's... it's just..."

"Not how we work," Draco finished with an amused smirk on his face. "It's not who were are, right?"

Harry grinned and heaved a relieved sigh. "Yeah. Sorry about that."

"No worries, pet." Draco leaned over and kissed Harry's lips and then flung the sheets off as he got up. "What are your plans for the day?" he asked, making his way to the wardrobe.

Harry sat up against the headboard and brought the blanket up to his chest. "Well, I was thinking yesterday that I should start Maia on drinking from a bottle. I don't mind giving her drink, but it sure makes it hard to have company over when you look like your frenching your baby all the time," he said with a chuckle. Draco flashed a smirk over his shoulder and then pulled out his suit for the day. "And she's already starting to eat soft foods all by herself and I only have to help her with the meats and such." Harry sighed. "She's not even a month old yet, and I already feel as if I'm hardly not needed anymore."

"She's moving faster in her development than we did," Draco commiserated. "But it just shows the strength and ability of her heritage. Don't worry, pet, she will still need us for a long time yet."

Harry smiled. "Yeah, I know. It just felt really good to know that someone needed me on such a simple level."

Draco stepped over to the bed and kissed the top of the wild black hair. "I need you, pet. We both do. Now, stop making me sound like a bleedin' fool and come take a shower with me."

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